Image of art from Kabul graffiti artist, Kabul Knights Joanna Macy talks about three tasks needed to bring in a world of spiritual progress: create new institutions, change the culture, and stop the worst of the damage. At Metta we feel that the worst of the damage has been to the human image – who… read more
Tag Archives: training
Why Wednesday was Awesome

Training with Meta Peace Team’s Mary Hanna at the Metta Center… Lou leans into the kitchen, “If we need more room, we can do this training at my house.” “We’ll be fine,” I reply with a grin. Walking back into our office, I see that all the chairs have been filled, and some people… read more
The Power of Training: Daily Metta Weekend Videos!

In our first Daily Metta video, Michael Nagler tells a story from the life of David Hartsough and gives us insight into how nonviolence worked itself out in this situation. He then goes on to make the case for nonviolence as a way of life. Find out why. In this next video, he discusses the… read more
“Right efforts in nonviolence”–Daily Metta
December 14: “It takes a fairly strenuous course of training to attain to a mental state of nonviolence.” –Gandhi (Young India, October 1, 1931) Gandhi will emphasize time and again that we do not become nonviolent overnight, and certainly not by reading a few books about it or even attending a training or two. It… read more
Self-Discipline and Nonviolence–Daily Metta
January 10 “Violence like water, when it has an outlet, rushes forward furiously with an overwhelming force. Nonviolence cannot act madly. It is the essence of discipline.” –Gandhi, (Harijan, 3-21-1939) A friend recently confided in me that if he had not had the nonviolent mentorship of an adult in his life at a key moment,… read more