![]() Our mission is to make the teaching and living of nonviolence part of mainstream education |
Social Science for EFNV Nonviolence Bibliography: Science today offers much support for nonviolence as an inherited, but largely undeveloped capacity of human nature. Even the very foundation of modern science, physics, supports nonviolence theory in at least a suggestive way. Indeed it seems that for principled nonviolence to take effect more largely in the world a paradigm shift must occur, and is occurring, from a worldview of materialism, competition, and violence to one of a consciousness-based reality leading, in turn, to the recognition of cooperation as an evolutionary force and the prevalence of nonviolence in human affairs. We might schematize the great change very simply as:
Whatever may be the significance for life in general of the revolutionary changes modern physics has undergone from a ‘classical’ Newtonian model based on matter and reductionist in method to a ‘new’ model emerging from relativity, quantum physics and related theories, scientific developments that are closer to home have been equally revolutionary for the long-prevailing view of the human being as a competitive fragment doomed to compete for scarce resources in a meaningless universe. The following resources and categories of resources illustrate how the new sciences support nonviolence. Note that the lives of some scientists, like Barbara McClintock, can be role models for students. Non-material physics Nick Herbert, Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics. New York: Anchor Doubleday, 1985. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
New Biology Augros, Robert and Stanciu, Geoge. The New Biology: Discovering the Wisdom in Nature. New York and London: Shambala, 1988. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
Clark, Mary E. In Search of Human Nature. London: Routledge, 2002. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
McClintock, Barbara(1902-1992, Nobel Prize, 1983) see "The Barbara McClintock Papers" and see Keller, Evelyn Fox. A Feeling for the Organism. New York: Henry Holt: W.H. Freeman, 2003, c1983. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
Lipton, Dr. Bruce: “Our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs create the conditions of our body and the external world.” Stanford University conference on Buddhism and modern science, 2004 video recordings. Evolution of behavior The Seville Statement on Violence is the definitive and now classic rebuttal of the “innate aggression” argument that we are doomed to be violent by our genetic inheritance. It was republished in the American Psychologist, October 1990, 45:10, 1167-1168, and can be read online. De Waal, F. B. M. Peacemaking Among Primates. Cambridge, MA, Harvard, 1989. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
Altruism, Forgiveness and Compassion Batson, C Daniel; Ahmad, Nadia; Lishner, David A; Tsang, Jo-Ann, Snyder, C. R. (ED); Lopez, Shane J. (ED). (2002). "Empathy and altruism". Handbook of positive psychology (pp. 485-498). London, Oxford University Press. xviii, 829 pp. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
Cialdini, Robert B; Brown, Stephanie L; Lewis, Brian P; Luce, Carol; et al. "Reinterpreting the empathy-altruism relationship: When one into one equals oneness." Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. Vol 73(3), Sep 1997, pp. 481-49
Combs, Allan. Cooperation: Beyond the Age of Competition. Philadelphia: Gordon & Breach, 1992. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
MacNair, Rachel M. Perpetration-Induced Traumatic Stress: The Psychological Consequences of Killing. Praeger (under Greenwood), 2002. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
For Dr. MacNair’s work on the “consistent life ethic,” see http://www.consistent-life.org/books.html. McCullough, Michael E., Kenneth I. Pargament, and Carl E. Thoresen. Forgiveness: Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Guilford Press, 2000. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble] Schwartz, S. H., Melech, G., Lehmann, A., Burgess, S., Harris, M., & Owens, V. (2001). "Extending the cross-cultural validity of the theory of basic human values with a different method of measurement." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32(5), 519-542.
Staub,Ervin. “The Roots of Altruism and Heroic Rescue,” Article 14208, Section: BOOK WORLD. Issue Date: July 1988: pp.393-401.
Physiological Dimensions of Empathy, etc. Angier, Natalie. “Why We’re So Nice: We’re Wired to Cooperate,” The New York Times, July 23, 2002. The original study is James K. Rilling, et al, “A Neural Basis for Social Cooperation,” Neuron, Vol. 35, 395–405, July 18, 2002.
Davidson, R.J. Empathy-related emotional responses, altruism, and their socialization. In Davidson R.J. and Eisenberg N. (Eds.) Visions of compassion : Western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
Eisenberg, N. Empathy-related emotional responses, altruism, and their socialization. In Davidson R.J. and Eisenberg N. (Eds.) Visions of compassion : Western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
Winerman, Lea. “The Mind’s Mirror,” Monitor on Psychology 36.9 (2005): 49-50.
Zhou, Q., Valiente, C., & Eisenberg, N. (2003). “Empathy and its measurement.” In S. J. Lopez & C. R. Snyder (Eds.), Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures (pp. pp. 269-284). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.
Games Theory Bass, Thomas A. “Forgiveness Math.” Discover 14.5 (1993): pp. 62-67.
Click here for a UCLA study on the evolutionary roots of altruism.