Resources for Roadmap

This is a place to review the Roadmap materials.

Roadmap Compass icon smallThe Roadmap Compass

Click on the image to the left to get connected through the Roadmap Compass.





Screen shot 2014-10-17 at 7.29.27 AMRoadmap Brochure and Poster

Click on the image on the left to obtain a brochure of the Roadmap! You can customize a version of the brochure for your organization. Click here for a poster.






Short Roadmap Prezi Presentation

Click on the image at the left to watch our short Prezi on Roadmap!





Roadmap webinar icon

In-depth webinar on the Roadmap strategy

This webinar, presented by Michael Nagler, explains the thinking that went into the strategy, reviews the various parts of the model and presents examples and explanations from each wedge of the model. We hope the webinar inspires you — and sparks your imagination! Click for webinar.





Short Roadmap Audio Guide

To hear about the Roadmap Wedges in 6 minutes or less, click the icon on the left.




May Issue

Emergence Magazine with the Roadmap “in focus.” 


In this issue of Emergence, get a great overview of Roadmap, the new story, and why we emphasize Person Power.







Roadmap Study-Guide Trainings

Take an in-depth look at the various sectors of Roadmap, and build your own community training in the process. Click the image on the left.





Pledge of Nonviolence iconPledge of Nonviolence

Believing as we do that life is an interconnected whole, and that there is an inescapable harmony between means and ends, and convinced by the proven effectiveness of nonviolent struggles in a just cause, we take the Pledge of Nonviolence.




New Story iconNew story creation and Nonviolence

The New Story frames the worldview that answers the question of “why” we think that human beings are worthy of a more dignified future than the one we perpetuated in the paradigm of radical separation (aka “old paradigm/story”). You can click on the icon on the left to listen to a short talk with Metta Center about nonviolence in the emerging paradigm.  Click here to read more…