Educators for Nonviolence

This page is dedicated to educators who are looking for new ways of bringing nonviolence into the classroom. New material will be added at least once or twice a week, so check in often.

Using Circles for Restorative Practices

These slide presentations are a resource to make the implementation of Restorative Practices simple and easy. These free downloadable slides are designed especially for K-12 teachers and students who want to bring Restorative Practices into their classrooms and communities. They can, therefore, provide a deeper understanding of how Restorative Practices work, and how they can… read more

Science + Nonviolence: A Seminar

We are designing a seminar on a topic that has been in my mind ever since I wrote my first book on nonviolence (1982!): science and nonviolence.  As the late Willis Harman said, “Science is the knowledge-validating system of our civilization,” and that remains true even though faith in science – and civilization! – has… read more

Meditation in Schools: Part 3

This is the third post in a three-part series on meditation in schools. The first post discussed ways to articulate what meditation is for school audiences. The second explained some reasons why meditation makes for more beneficial restorative practices. This part will share some characteristics of an effective implementation of meditation in schools.   Across… read more

Meditation in Schools: Part 2

This is the second post in a three-part blog post series on meditation in schools. The first post discussed ways to articulate what meditation is for school audiences. This part explains why meditation makes for more beneficial restorative practices. One can think about restorative practices as a set of practices and structures that enable schools… read more

Meditation in Schools: Part 1

I contend that effectively implementing meditation makes for more beneficial restorative practices in schools. This three-part blog post discusses ways to articulate what meditation is for school audiences, why meditation makes for more beneficial restorative practices, and some characteristics of what an effective implementation of meditation might look like. Based on my lived experience and… read more