Audio & Video Archives

PACS 164-c Session 6

Topic: The Unity in Diversity of Gandhi and King

Resource: Names and concepts list




Free Speech Movement

csp_savio-rally_hyjc1(The Free Speech Movement launching. . . )


(Metta’s own Michael Nagler at the FSM above in his Deux Chevaux, taking people home from jail…)

First, take in the good news, that is, nonviolence in the news. Then, stay to hear and learn more about the Free Speech Movement. We are proud to share this show because Metta President Michael Nagler was formed and guided by his experiences in the Free Speech Movement. We talk about the impact of the FSM on politics today, including the general caution to understand political backlash and what creates that dynamic, as well as some interviews with people who were involved in the FSM with whom we spoke at the movement’s 50th anniversary.



Nonviolent Dissent and Accompaniment

A Prerequisite to a World Beyond War: Nonviolent Dissent and Accompaniment

In this talk recorded on September 27, 2014 in Petaluma, California, activist, author and peace journalist Kathy Kelly discusses the everyday realities of living with war and encourages us to use these stories to think more critically–and nonviolently– about security, safety and justice.