Howard Thurman in his sermons on Jesus and the Disenfranchised poses an interesting dilemma about valuing country over life. In his words: “During times of war hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.” Let us not become haters of one another–haters of our shared humanity– under any guise at… read more
Tag Archives: Nonviolence
To stop the cult of Trump we need to satisfy the human need for meaning
Like all cult leaders, Trump fills a certain void for his followers. Stopping him means providing pathways to sustainable forms of spiritual fulfillment. Because of my background in ancient religion and culture I have special reason to be alarmed by the frequent references to the psychopathology of the president and his followers as a “cult.”… read more
Planet Earth: Too Big To Fail
After centuries of neglect, we are now seeing a lot of useful writing about “the most powerful force at the disposal of humanity” as Gandhi called nonviolence.… read more
On Nonviolence and Coercion

Coercion is not an “either-or” issue in nonviolence. On this episode, we discuss what coercion means, how it relates to power and persuasion, its risks when drawn upon as a “first resort,” and where it fits in a strategic escalation of nonviolent action. Followed by the Nonviolence Report with Michael Nagler. Play in new… read more
Conflict and Nonviolence in Kashmir

While on a visit to New Delhi, India, Michael Nagler, founder of the Metta Center and Co-host of Nonviolence Radio, met up with Gandhian activist Rajiv Vora and Niyati Bhat to discuss the principles and trials of nonviolence in Kashmir.… read more
Sudan & Supporting Nonviolence (NV Radio)
Following breaking news of recent nonviolent victories in Sudan, we speak with nonviolent conflict analyst Stephen Zunes, and Sudanese activists Mubarak ElAmin and Bakri Ali. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more
On the EL Train, Chicago

Greetings Metta friends! I just wanted to share a “nonviolent moment” from my hometown of Chicago yesterday. Nonviolence ideas inspired by Metta have helped me peacefully stop 3 physical fights in public places of Chicago in recent years. Yet this latest incident was especially uplifting. Though verbal rather than physical, it had a great moment… read more
Why Does News Matter? Guest: Rivera Sun

Rivera Sun, author, activist, and editor of Nonviolence News, joins us to talk about the power and potential of sharing nonviolence news stories from around the world and gives insight into how we can all get involved in sharing the good news! In part two of the show, Michael Nagler offers his in-depth feature The… read more
Meditation and Nonviolence: Why and How
A Frequently Asked Question about nonviolence is about meditation: why do we promote it as practitioners of nonviolence and how do you do it? Part II of the show is our Nonviolence in the News round-up for the first week of February 2019, covering resources, events, and stories. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more
Nonviolence News and a Nonviolence FAQ
In this episode of Nonviolence Radio, we offer a heartening and inspiring round-up of Nonviolence in the News for the week, followed by a “crash course” (what’s the nonviolent equivalent of that?!) in our “Frequently Asked Questions” about nonviolence, a new show segment, with Michael Nagler and Stephanie Van Hook of the Metta Center for Nonviolence.… read more