Gandhi Retreat: December 6-8, 2013

Gandhi and the Gita-Uncovering the Soul of Selfless Action

We are called to service. We long for effective action.

When: December 6-8, 2013

Where: The gorgeous and healing Mt. Madonna Retreat Center, Watsonville, California



The topic:

In this retreat we will call upon a potent legacy of selfless action that models a way to work effectively without burnout, empowering each of us to find our calling and make our best contribution to our families, our communities and our world.


The format:

The weekend will alternate periods of study, reflection, and personal relaxation (hiking, yoga, meditation) at one of the country’s most beautiful retreat centers in the redwoods of the Santa Cruz mountains with beloved scholar of Gandhian nonviolence, Professor Michael Nagler.

Together we will dive into and drink at the springs of a highly accessible translation of the foremost spiritual classic of India combined with key works by the person who, more than any other, turned its teachings into a program to gently awaken our shared humanity.

Participants will receive a finalized retreat schedule and materials one month ahead of the retreat but can expect the following:

·The retreat will begin on Friday, December 6 at 4 pm with dinner served at 5:30.

·The retreat will end at 1 pm on Sunday, December 8th with a hearty snack served at 12 pm.

·Periods of meditation and yoga will be integrated into the weekend for those who choose to engage with these practices (a short workshop in  Passage Meditation will take place on Friday evening for those who are interested in taking up a meditation practice).

·There will be a total of six 1 to 2 hour sessions in group (including partner and small group study) throughout the weekend, with plenty of time to integrate and explore the natural environment.


Who should attend?

This retreat is ideal for anyone who has a passion for personal and social renewal as well as for anyone interested in learning more about the life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi. Participants will find inspiration, community and a deepened understanding of the power of nonviolence. All ages, sexes, genders, races, backgrounds, practices and politics are encouraged to attend.

The limit of bodies we can accommodate at this retreat is 20.

 photo from our June “power of renewal” retreat

a photo from our June "power of renewal" retreat  


How much does it cost? 

Please include a donation to the Metta Center of your choice for program costs in addition to paying for your lodging for the weekend. To reserve your space, payment must be received no later than 1 month before the retreat (November 8th).

The Mt. Madonna Center’s food/lodging costs are the following from their website:

Costs are based on the following fees and include accommodations, two delicious vegetarian meals per day, general facilities use, tax, and insurance.

Housing Type Cost
Commuting $40/person/day
Own Tent or Vehicle $50/person/day
Dormitory (4-7 to a room or cabin) $77/person/day
Triple (3 to a room or cabin) $86/person/day
Double (2 to a room or cabin) $99/person/day
Double with bath $109/person/day
Single (1 to a room or cabin) $126/person/day
Single with bath $152/person/day

Housing is available in both rooms and in cabins.

Rooms are in hotel-style buildings (no phones or TVs in rooms, however). Some rooms include a private bathroom with shower. Others have access to nearby shared (but private while in use) bathrooms and showers.

Cabins are located in a forest grove, and include electricity and heat, but not indoor plumbing.  A separate shower house with private shower and dressing rooms, and clean, well-ventilated privies are nearby.

All beds are twin size.

Developed campsites, for your own tent, with good drainage and access to showers and privies, are available year round. Please be aware that we can receive significant amounts of rain from November through May.

Various spots are available for your van, camper or other vehicle. Some have access to electricity, but no other hookups. Showers and restrooms are available in campground.

The retreat center is home to a wellness center and ayurvedic clinic. You can schedule a massage or session in your free time. (Cost is not included in retreat).  


All meals are strictly vegetarian. The Mt. Madonna kitchen staff regularly works with guest groups to plan menus that will fit each group’s tastes with highest quality, delicious, fresh, lovingly prepared and presented foods. Gluten free and vegan options abound.




Please send any questions to Stephanie Van Hook at or call the Metta Center at 707-774-6299.


Payments are required no later than 1 month ahead of the retreat.

The best way to submit a payment is by check to

The Metta Center for Nonviolence

Box 98, Petaluma, CA 94953.

Any amount over the lodging fees is considered a donation to support the work of the Metta Center.


a view from Mt. Madonna…

see you there!