Nonviolence News–Weekly Hope Tank


“You must not lose your faith in humanity.” 

-M.K. Gandhi


The Metta Center for Nonviolence is teaming up with Waging Nonviolence for a Nonviolence News HOPE TANK every Wednesday morning from 8:15-9:15 am PST (11:15-12:15 EST) on the Zoom Platform (meaning phone in or online). We’ll discuss the featured articles Waging Nonviolence, exploring key ideas, grey areas, and core concepts of nonviolence that the articles highlight.

Fill in this form to be added to our discussion group email for sharing articles, resources, and call reminders.

Contact Stephanie (@) if you have any questions.


We are constantly being
astonished these days
at the amazing discoveries
in the field of violence.

But I maintain that far more
undreamt of and seemingly
impossible discoveries will
be made in the field of

M.K. Gandhi


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