Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program: the application is up!

the 2009 mentees...Dear Metta community,

The Metta Center is happy to announce the call for applications for the 2010 Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program. Yes, to all of you who have been asking: it’s time to apply!

On our website (you’re already here!), you’ll now find an entire section devoted to Metta Mentors, where you can learn about this year’s program, get your questions answered, check out Metta Mentors photos and blog, and apply to be a part of our 2010 cohort.

If you’re interested, you can do two things that will help us get the word out effectively:

1) Learn more about the program by browsing and reading over the site (or consider applying). Contact us at with any questions or suggestions for ways in which we can make the program information as clear and comprehensive as possible.

2) Share this message with everyone you know! We are looking for applicants from 18-35, and as in previous years we are hoping to invite both US and international students to our program. A call for applications follows this message, which you can forward easily, so please do so and help us get the word out!

If you were involved in any way with Metta Mentors last year, you will know that the 2009 program was an unqualified success. We hosted an amazing group of twelve mentees, and in the process our lives were transformed, even as we worked to transform the lives of those who came to participate. Many, many seeds were planted that we hope will blossom wildly this year as an even more transformative and unique program.

Note: though we have secured enough funding to run the 2010 program at a bare-bones level, we are still seeking funding; the number of mentees that we can accept this year has yet to be determined as a result. For more information about donating to the program, see the Metta Mentors post on our home page.

Thank you for sharing this news with us, for your support, and for working to build a more nonviolent culture for all —

The Metta Team

…and now for the announcement…

Call for Applications: Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program

The Metta Center is happy to announce the call for applications for the 2010 Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program.

What Metta Mentors is: The Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program is a 10-week mentorship (internship) program based in Berkeley, California. The program pairs students of nonviolence (mentees) with local partner organizations for practical nonviolence and social justice work, while offering regular guidance from Metta, in order to help participants 1) learn about the principles of nonviolence as a personal path, and 2) apply those principles effectively in the service of building a nonviolent culture.

Four days a week, participants work with a local (San Francisco East Bay Area) social justice organization to be of service as an intern, to gain experience in a given field, and to address specific issues relevant to nonviolence in their work.

Every Friday mentees come together under the guidance of the Metta Center to participate in reflective exercises, forums, and workshops that explore how to integrate nonviolence into social change work and daily life.

In short, Metta Mentors is an immersion program in applied nonviolence.

Application submission: Applications will be accepted until spots are filled, with a priority deadline of March 26, 2010. Applicants will be notified of selection on or before April 30, 2010.

For more information, or to apply, please visit the Metta Mentors section of the Metta Center website, at: