Nonviolence News

Rivera Sun, in service of Nonviolence Now, is collecting and emailing a list of stories for Nonviolence News. If you’d like to join her email list, please connect with her directly! Here’s the most recent from March 6, 2019:

These stories reflect nonviolent action and nonviolent practices, including constructive programs, alternative institutions, and policies rooted in structural/systemic nonviolence as opposed to violence.

In a Step Forward for Housing Justice, Oregon Becomes First State With Mandatory Rent Control

United Methodist Church creates human timeline designed to highlight the history of bigotry in their denomination.

Hundreds of Young Protesters Confront Sen. Mitch McConnell over Green New Deal

Actor Billy Porter Expands Gender Boundaries with Velvet Tuxedo Gown at 2019 Oscars “I wanted to create a space where we can have a dialogue about the masculine and the feminine and everything in between,” the actor explained to E! News after the Oscars. “I want people to understand that you don’t have to understand or even agree with other people’s authenticity or truths, but we must all respect each other,” Porter told the Associated Press.

Costa Rica Unveils Plan To Go 100% Renewable By 2050

After historic breakthrough, the right to refuse military service is now recognized in South Korea … though the right to refuse alternative service is just beginning.

Hundreds of Educators Hold Teach-In To Protest Immigrant Family Separation and Detention

Handmaid’s Tale Season 3 Films On Location in DC … and the media photos make a protest that speaks on its own.

Lake Erie Wins Historic Rights of Nature Vote In Toledo, OH

Journalist Chris Hedges writes about Extinction Rebellion and states: “We must, in wave after wave, carry out nonviolent acts of civil disobedience to shut down the capitals of the major industrial countries”.

Okinawan Super-Majority Votes Against US Military Base; PM Abe Moves Ahead Anyway

Half a Billion Fewer Animals Were Killed Per Year Since 2007 – because fewer people are eating meat.

In famous festival in Italy, a giant floating whale swallows a plastic heap to raise awareness about plastic pollution in oceans.

DC Prankster Activists Convert Anger Into Creative Action and Street Theater

Stop Urban Shield Coalition Propels Alameda County to Consider Shift from SWAT Teams and Militarized Policing to Helping the Public Prepare for Natural Disasters

Right To Repair Movement Gives Manufacturers Cold Sweats … and Fix-It Power To Consumers: “European Union member states are this week voting on dishwasher efficiency and repair. If that sounds as dull as, well, dishwater, then you need to consider the last time your own dishwasher broke. With the right rules in place, it would be a cheap and easy fix. However, you’re not allowed to fiddle with the machine because it would invalidate the warranty. So, instead, you go and buy a new model and throw the old one on the dump.”

Oakland, CA Has a Self-Governing, City-Sanctioned Homeless Camp

Street Artists Makes International Mural as a picnic blanket over the US-Mexico Border, Painted As a Face With Eyes On Each Side.

Bavarians Force Legislators To Change Farm Laws to Protect Bees with the most successful petition in the state’s history. “The organisations and voters carrying the successful campaign in Bavaria weren’t just a loud minority of environmentalists. They were a broad and diverse coalition, of progressives and conservatives, who want to preserve our precious ecosystems in the face of damaging industrial farming practices.”

8,000 Grocery Store Workers in New England Stop & Shop Chain Authorize Strike: On February 24, a union representing more than 8,000 Massachusetts workers at the supermarket chain Stop & Shop overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike.

Statue of Liberty Protester To Be Sentenced for Climbing Statue To Oppose Immigrant Family Separation

Pennsylvania Workers Wage Biggest Manufacturing Strike in Trump Administration Era

Oakland Teachers Strike Reaches Tentative Deal

Two Hunger Striking Detainees Deported by ICE

Planned Protests For Net Neutrality Force Republican To Cancel Fundraiser with Telecom Giants

What’s Behind Germany’s Renewable Energy Transition? Organized Nonviolent Action. In Germany, a powerful people’s movement takes over coal mines, sits in trees and engages in mass disruption and civic disobedience in order to exert pressure on the system.

EU Calls for Peaceful – Not Militarized – Responses to Venezuela
The European Union is urging the world to abandon a “militarized intervention” into Venezuela, calling for dialogue to develop a “peaceful, political, and democratic” solution to the nation’s domestic political differences.

A Latinx Immigrant Worker Co-op Franchise Offers Constructive Program Model To “Scale Up” Social Justice