We are full of the potential for greatness

Dear Worldwide Metta Community,

On this Thanksgiving weekend, we would like to take a moment to remember that we are all full of the potential for greatness: we are all full of the potential to change the course of the world today using nonviolence. Most importantly, we are grateful to have you as a part of our community and we recorded this video-wish for you from Metta President Michael Nagler on behalf of all of us at the Metta Center.

As we work diligently against the current of our mass-media driven culture of violence and strive toward a nonviolent culture as werehumanize our relationships, one by one,  please take time to connect or re-connect with us if you have been out of touch.We arewaiting to hear from you.

With Soul-Force,


of the Metta Team

“I have found that life persists in the midst of destruction and, therefore, there must be a higher law than that of destruction. Only under that law would a well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living. And if that is the law of life, we have to work it out in daily life. Wherever there are conflicts, wherever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. In this crude manner, I have worked it out in my life. That does not mean that all my difficulties are solved. Only, I have found that this law of love has answered as the lawof destruction has never done.”

MK Gandhi