Making a Difference: The Nonviolent Life

Making a Difference: The Nonviolent Life
Presented by
Richard Deats

Nov. 2-4, 2007
Participants will hear stories and struggles of these past decades and how Richard Deats built a peace vocation across racial, international and religious lines. He will share his understanding and experiences of active nonviolence and how it continues to develop, even alongside the paradoxical growth of fundamentalism and intolerance.  Together we will reflect on how we relate with children and family members who choose radically different life journeys than our own.  Richard will encourage us to share our own experiences and to reflect on the inward and outward journey of the peacemaker.  He will also talk about spiritual resources for peacemakers, with time for prayer, laughter and singing.

TIMES: Friday 6:30 p.m. dinner through Sunday lunch
FEES: Program $135; Room/Board $175, Total $310
EARLYBIRD: $35 off the total before October 2.

Richard Deats is recognized internationally as a writer, trainer, and activist, and as a leading authority on active nonviolence for social change. He worked to dismantle Jim Crow laws in Texas, taught social ethics in the Philippines, lectured and trained on nonviolent action in a dozen countries, joined delegations to Colombia and Iraq and led delegations to the USSR and Iran. At the Fellowship of Reconciliation, he coordinated the interfaith program, then served as executive, and later became editor of Fellowship Magazine.  Richard is an ordained Methodist pastor and holds a Ph.D. from Boston University. He is also a musician, humorist, and storyteller.  His articles have appeared in such publications as USA Today, Newsday, Sojourners, The Progressive and Reconciliation International.  His popular books include:
· Martin Luther King, Jr., Spirit-Led Prophet
· Mahatma Gandhi, Nonviolent Liberator
· Ambassador of Reconciliation – A Muriel Lester Reader
· Nationalism and Christianity in the Philippines
· How to Keep Laughing Even Though You’ve Considered All the Facts

For more information or to register

or call 610-588-1793

For Janet Chisholm