Metta Center has a new office!

We are thrilled to share with you the news that we have moved! We will be even happier to share this beautiful new space with you that’s located on an attractive, residential street near the UC Berkeley campus where we will be able to work under better conditions and involve the community. It even has a solid oak floor that Shannon brought out of obscurity as a labor of love for our new ‘home.’  Now for the first time we will be able to realize some of our longstanding dreams to:

  • expand our lending library into a functioning community resource center for nonviolence (one of the few in the country — Berkeley should have one!)
  • handle our stream of visitors without disrupting our work
  • conduct seminars (three European students scheduled for next year)
  • expand our ‘hope tank’ meetings
  • do monthly film-and-discussion series with small groups AND
  • plant a biodynamic vegetable garden in our charming back yard.

The beautiful carpet you see here was a gift of Just Remnants in San Rafael.
We have also been given a complete set of kitchenware.

But we are still not ‘the nonviolence resource center that has everything.’  We would be happy to receive:

  • a gas cooking range
  • a microwave
  • a dozen or so folding chairs
  • books and films, etc. on nonviolence
  • the services of a good sign painter, AND
  • of a good electrician! (The wiring in this old house is inadequate and probably dangerous).

Donations of money are, of course, also gratefully accepted (our rent is now many times higher than it was at the First Congregational Church) 
In the near future we hope to invite you to 1730 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way to an open house, but in the meantime if you’re in the neighborhood, call ahead and come see us!