The Politics of Love & Justice: May 19–21

PLJSummit-Ad-FacebookThe Shift Network’s Politics of Love & Justice Summit

More than 25 of the planet’s most visionary spiritual leaders and soul-powered activists are sharing how we can effectively integrate spirituality and activism to build a sustainable, caring world.

Join hosts Rabbi Michael Lerner and Cat Zavis as well as Michael Nagler, Stephanie Van Hook, Marianne Williamson, Charles Eisenstein, Larry Rasmussen, David Korten and others for this free online event. Learn how to bridge divides, infuse more Spirit into social change and co-create new global standards based in loving kindness, ethical behavior and reverence for the sacred in all life.

You’ll discover:

  • Daily spiritual practices for long-term sustenance
  • Ways to speak to shared values across political divides
  • The interconnectedness of the issues facing our planet
  • Why current politics is dysfunctional & how we can remedy it
  • Inspiration from those who are successfully transforming society

The event is free and online—it’s open to all. Register for The Politics of Love & Justice Summit.

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