Week of Nonviolence, Petaluma 2014

A Call to Action:  Sept. 28th – October 4th
(sign up form below)


Gandhi considered the best way to celebrate his birthday was to grow support for the cause of Satyagraha, nonviolence. The United Nations even named his birthday “The International Day of Nonviolence.” To this end, Metta Center for Nonviolence is excited to announce Petaluma’s Week of Nonviolence, which aims to use the theme of nonviolence to help to weave together the various threads of good work already happening in the Petaluma community.

The goal is to plan a week of celebrations and events at various locales in Petaluma. This means we are calling on you – individuals, groups and organizations of Petaluma – to organize trainings, talks, meditations, seminars, spoken word, interreligious gatherings, art, class projects, music, book readings, and more. Be creative! This week will serve as the launch-pad for a full year dedicated to deepening nonviolence and restorative justice initiatives while working to make Petaluma an official “City of Peace.”  We want to reach beyond political and social boundaries. We want to work to unite the full community, wherever we might find ourselves on the path to living out a more just, regenerative and nonviolent world.

We invite you to put your heads and hearts together, collaborate, design your event, and then sign on! Metta Center will publicize the Calendar of Events happening over the week and host some events of our own. We are available to speak with you for guidance in creating your event, finding locations and to answer any other questions. Please email nonviolenceweek@mettacenter.org with your thoughts.

New to nonviolence? Here are some places to start: