10th Global Youth Peace Fest

10th Global Youth Peace Fest (GYFP)

The inaugural event will start with Meditation & Yoga for World Peace on September 29, 2015, at Cricket Stadium, Sector 17, Chandigarh. Around 10,000 people are expected to participate.

The GYPF will end with launch of a Global Youth Peace Forum to UNITE young people beyond barriers of race, religion, and nationalities. Overall, GYPF 2015 will provide young people a means to be directly involved with other passionate people from across the globe.

Fest dates: September 29-October 2, 2015

Location: Chandigarh, India

Theme: Volunteering for Peace-cities & Sustainable Habitats

Here’s a video about the youthful energy of the Fest:

Other Peace Fest Highlights

  • Participation of 250 youth from across the world
  • Involvement of over 10,000 local Volunteers & Peace Club students, who will participate in Global Peace Parade for Sustainable cities & Habitats on October 2, 2015, from Open hand monument to Parade Ground, Sector 17, Chandigarh.
  • Leadership summit promoting civic engagement by young people
  • Asia-level regional meeting on the Rights & Dignity of Girls & Women
  • Music & dance: featuring the top guitarist of Pakistan, Mr. Asif Sinan (asifsinan.com) on the eve of Gandhi Jayanti (October 1), at Sector 17 Plaza, Chandigarh
  • Presentation of Global Youth ICON Awards to internationally acclaimed young peace leaders

To register, see the GYPF website: www.peacefestindia.in

Connect with the Fest on Facebook and Twitter.