Social Justice Week: Sonoma State University

Sonoma State’s Social Justice Week: April 3 – April 7

Monday, April 3rd: Social Justice Week Kick Off

11 am-1 pm: Sponsors and Organizations Tabling in the Seawolf Plaza

Monday Events: Ballroom B

1:00-2:00pm: North Bay Jobs with Justice: Higher wages movement, $15 an hour minimum wage, and Unionization

2:30-3:30pm: Police Brutality Coalition: Sonoma County Law Enforcement in the Time of Trump and What It Means for You

4:00-5:00pm: Global Critical Media Literacy Panel by Project Censored: Mickey Huff, Nolan Higdon, Mary Cardaras, and Nick Baham III

7:00-9:00pm: Keynote Speaker: Davey D: “Culture, Race and Civil Rights Now” in Ballroom A



Tuesday April 4: Tuesday/Domestic Affairs in Ballroom B

10:00-11:30am: Toby Blomé from Code Pink on Drone Warfare and the American Empire

12:00-1:30pm: Veterans for Peace: Today’s Relevance of Martin Luther King Jr’s 1967 “Beyond Vietnam” Speech and the Military-Industrial Complex

2:00-3:00pm: Nicole Wolfe, SSU Professor Sociology – Cannabis in context: Understanding prohibition, decriminalization, legalization, and your rights

3:00-4:00pm: Linda Sartor – Author: Turning Fear into Power – Stories that inspire following your heart even when fear is present

4:00-5:00pm: Rental Housing Crisis in Sonoma County: Davin Cardenas, Fair & Affordable Housing campaign. Organized by SSU Investigative Sociology Research Group    

7:00-9:00pm: Keynote Speaker: Mickey Huff from Project Censored: Censorship and Fake News in America, Ballroom A  

Wednesday April 5: Women’s Rights in Tuscany Casentino Room

10:00-11:00am: Healthcare Panel discussing Women’s Health and Single Payer for All, organized by Investigative Sociology Group

11:30-12:30pm: Immigrant Rights Panel discussing DACA Sanctuary Cities and Campuses, organized by Investigative Sociology Group

1:00-2:00pm: Women’s rights/LGBTQ, Activism and Awareness at SSU

2:30-3:30pm: The School Box Project: Providing mobile, trauma-informed education and support to children and families in refugee camps.

4:00-5:30pm: Maestra film on how Cuba built full literacy after 1959 with Commentary by Blanca Monett, Cuban Revolution Teacher

7:00-9:00pm: Keynote Speaker: Gloria La Riva – Peace and Freedom Candidate for President, Challenging Fascism and Imperialism, Stevenson 1002

Thursday April 6: Foreign Affairs in Ballroom B

10:00-11:30am: Fukushima Response Campaign, John Bertucci and Films of Fukishima

12:00-1:00pm: SSU Student Bobby Ramirez and Martin Herrera-Pazmiño; Hip-Hop performance in the Seawolf Plaza

12:00-1:00pm: Elaine Wellin, Professor Sociology SSU, on Environmental Justice with Panel

1:30-2:30pm: North Coast Coalition for Palestine: Justice for Palestine – Two States or One?

3:00-4:00pm: David Cobb on “How to Engage Electoral Politics in an Age of Emerging Fascism” David Cobb was the Campaign Manager for Jill Stein of the Green Party

4:00-5:00pm: Islam Center, Salman Hameed, Human Rights and Islam

7:00-9:00pm: SSU Faculty Panel on U.S. International Relations in the Era of Trump in Darwin 102


  • Chingling Wo     English
  •     Diana Grant    Criminal Justice
  •     Tim Wandling    English
  •     Ron Lopez        CALS
  •     Napoleon Reyes    Criminal JusticE
    Anastasia Tosouni CCJS

Friday April 7: The Cooperage

10:00-11:30am: Peace and Justice Center: Networks for Peace and Justice in Sonoma County

12:00-1:30pm: Marian Killian: Public Education Advocate on the Privatization of Education

2:00-3:00pm: Jeff Mackler on Socialist Action and Building to Revolution

3:00-4:30pm: Michael Nagler from the Metta Center for Nonviolence: “The Time is Now” Presentation

4:30-5:30pm: Occupy Sonoma County: Lessons from the Occupy Movement

7:00-9:00pm: Keynote Speaker: Penny Rosenwasser – Author: “Hope into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears” in the Cooperage

Sponsors: SSU Sociology Social Justice and Activism Club, SSU Associated Students, Sociology Department, School of Social Science, Media Freedom Foundation, Project Censored

Co-sponsors: Sonoma County Peace and Justice Center, Metta Center for Peace, Occupy Sonoma County, Socialist Action, North Coast Coalition for Palestine, Fukushima Action, Code Pink, Sonoma County Chapter Veterans for Peace, Sonoma Police Brutality Coalition, North Bay Jobs with Justice, Move to Amend, Aztlan Industries,

Associated SSU Class: Social Science 320: Special Topics—Social Justice Week 1-Unit (4358) Instructor: Peter Phillips,,

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