The Activist’s Tao Te Ching – Podcast

Unlikely Rebels

Those who would truly change the world
do not seem like rebels.
They are deliberate and careful,
aware of every nuance and
movement around them.
They are kind and courteous in conversation.
There is a lovely simplicity about them,
something selfless and disarming,
welcoming and accepting,
and above all, clear.

They are willing to wait patiently
until proper action arises by itself,
then they move with surprising
swiftness and power.
Though their lives are at risk,
they are calm and unworried,
because they are truly free.

This is Chapter 15 is from a reinterpretation of the Tao Te Ching by William Martin. (The Activist’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for a Modern Revolution)…

In this episode of Peace Paradigm Radio, William Martin discusses his work translating the Tao Te Ching for activists, which has been published as the book The Activist’s Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for a Modern Revolution.

One friend said this about Martin’s work:

Out of several dozen translations of Lao Tsu I’ve read, I’ve found Martin’s “Sage’s Tao te Ching” to be among the best, and the one I’ve most often picked up, marked up, or made copies of a few chapters to share with someone, read on the plane or waiting room.

Don’t miss this great interview, where co-hosts Stephanie Van Hook and Michael Nagler find out more about Taoist philosophy as well as Martin’s path and inspiration leading to this project, process, and what how his work contributes to deep activism and long-term social change. You can follow his work at

Following the interview is a riveting edition of Nonviolence in the News.

Listen in here!

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