Reporting Nonviolence

A Way Forward

Our work at Metta Center and yours as a journalist/media producer stem from the same ideal: truth. We both strive to serve the public interest, which is everyone’s interest.

We aim to provide you with the insights and resources needed to cover nonviolence events, culture and movements in a way that supports your values as a media creator who is a member of our collective society.

Like any other important public-interest story, reporting on nonviolence begins with accurate factsnewspaper graphic and the right context, both historically and scientifically. Yet unlike standard news stories, those concerning nonviolence must go beyond “Who, What, Where, When, Why, How” to properly serve the public.

Nonviolence touches upon the core of who we are and can be as human beings, so nonviolence reporting requires interpretation and analysis—and captivating stories. As storytellers, you’re often on the lookout for attention-grabbing hooks and interesting literary angles. We can help.

We will soon update this page with tips on covering nonviolence, along with key data about nonviolence—why it matters to the public interest, statistics proving it to be the most effective and lasting method in achieving change, how it offers humanity our best hope at this vital juncture in history, when so many urgent issues demand global attention and cooperation.

In the meantime, you may also be interested in our Journalists Toolkit, Metta Center media fellowships and our press room.

Need an expert in nonviolence for your next story? Get in touch.