Bijoyeta Das: Journalism and nonviolence

Bijoyeta Das is a freelance photographer and multimedia journalist. She has reported from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Turkey and USA and holds a masters degree in Journalism from Northeastern University, Boston USA. View Bijoyeta’s excellent work at her personal website:

What are you working on this summer at the Metta Center? 

I am working on a project about atonement, healing and forgiveness. I am researching and documenting stories of people who have chosen the path of atonement and forgiveness. I believe telling stories and listening to others is an important step in the healing process.

What are you learning at the Metta Center? 

Learning at Metta is a multi-layered process. I am exposed to the life and works of Gandhi, writing of the new story, nonviolence education, atonement and forgiveness, and developing a critical and analytical thought-process. This learning has stimulated my inner growth as a thinker and a nonviolent person. I am also learning a lot from the experiences of Michael Nagler as he shares anecdotes and life lessons.

Why are you passionate about nonviolence? 

 This is the only path to be. Violence in thought, words and deeds only multiplies pain and resentment in the world.

Final thoughts for the Metta audience?

 This summer has been a beautiful experience where I got to be in a community, where people are working towards promoting nonviolence. This has inspired me to continue my work to tell and share stories.