Roadmap FAQs

Who can join Roadmap?
roadmap smallRoadmap is more of a movement than an organization (although there will be a coordinating group). Anyone can participate, either as a passive observer, a reporteur for one or more projects, a user of Compass, or in some cases part of the planning teams projected to emerge during 2013. You will be part of the community if you feel comfortable with:

Ultimately, anyone who works in a reasonably nonviolent spirit on any project tending toward a world of peace and justice is part of the community, whether they choose to identify as such and participate in planned activities or not. There is no fee to join Roadmap.

How can I have input into the planning, etc.?
There will be blogs for each sector and one for the Roadmap movement as a whole on which you can comment and to which contribute. Other routes will be identified as time goes on.

Do I have to do self-empowerment before I go on to constructive program, and do CP before resistance?
No. This is a suggested trajectory that we feel enables a person or group to work most powerfully (as Gandhi experienced). There will always be urgent issues that Joanna Macy has in mind when she speaks of “stopping the worst of the damage,” and issues that present an opportunity for successful resistance. For these even the planning council may recommend jumping in even when constructive steps have yet to be taken; for example (February, 2013) the XL pipeline.

What if I can’t find my project on the map?
Thethree sub-sector projects you’ll find in each sector are examples only. While it’s unlikely that the six sectors will need to change, those eighteen (the number of Gandhi’s constructive programmes, by the way) will be rotated and added to regularly. Nor is it likely that a project that conduces to a better world will not be part of the picture, unless it’s not being undertaken in a nonviolent spirit).

Do I have to drop my project, if it’s not in the Grand Strategy?
You do not. Properly speaking, you do not “have” to do anything. When the Strategy has been announced you will have the option to tithe part of your time and resources to the designated project (s) of the moment.

Whom will I be working, connecting with?
Up to you. Participants will have the option to put their interests, location, and contact info “open” if they want to network, if they want to form affinity groups, etc. The site is being designed for maximum freedom of choice.

Where can I find more information about each sector? For example, what are Gandhian economic principles?
The Metta website has an extensive Glossary and a large variety of resources about Gandhian and other topics. In addition, you can mail specific questions to us through the Compass.