What you can do

Roadmap pdf image

What you can do NOW:

check boxCheck out the free .pdf version of the Roadmap

check boxWatch this webinar on the Roadmap strategy

check boxRead and consider taking the Pledge of Nonviolence

check box Read the version of the “New Story” developed so far (a “Story of Belonging”)

check boxSign up at the left so we can let you know when the Compass is ready

check boxStudy nonviolence using some of these materials as a reference


Coming in Spring, 2013:calendar

check box emptyA year of training, preparation, and networking; formation of interest and affinity groups, using the Compass where helpful

check box emptyEmergence of a strategic council to focus our thinking on a course of action for the movement, following the suggested trajectory from personal empowerment to constructive program and finally, as required, nonviolent resistance