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Here are some of the most important findings from:

  • Physics

    The incredible discovery of quantum reality, now about a century old, revealed to physicists that the “objective, material world” underpinning what is now called “classical science” is not, at the most fundamental level, comprised of material particles. At the most fundamental level, reality involves bursts of energy whose behavior defies Newtonian laws. Empirical observations at the quantum level precipitated a break-down of classical science that forces a re-thinking of the universe and our place in it. As laid outby Stapp’s Mindful Universe, “the role of human consciousness in the unfolding of reality” is causal and cannot be reduced to material terms. The primary role of consciousness in defining the world was well understood by Max Planck, who won the Nobel Prize for his early work on quantum theory: “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness” (The Observer, 25 Jan 1931). Similarly, as Sir James Jeans has it, “The universe is much more like a great thought than a great machine.” This means that we are deeply interconnected and can influence each other in ways much more subtle than physical force (for example, “appeal to the heart” of an opponent) and are much more capable of shaping our own destiny thanpreviously thought. Furthermore, as illustrated by Stapp’s Benevolent Universe, quantum mechanical experiments suggest that there are consciousness-based processes that reinforce positive emotional states.

  • Biology

    The idea that animals exist in a state of endless competition is a gross oversimplification, not to say a bias. Animal behavior, and indeed the entire ecosystem, exhibits many forms of cooperation, of empathy, and even rudimentary forms of peacemaking. Life also shows clear evidence of purpose at nearly every level, indicating that our world is not random.


  • Neuroscience

    New techniques that allow for non-invasive study of the living brain ⎯ and the new openness toward positive findings ⎯ have shown that the brain and nervous system constantly adapt in response to our experiences and mental states, that cooperative and even self-sacrificing behavior is strongly rewarded in our nervous system (which correlates very well with findings about the robustness of peace models in game theory) and that we are endowed with neurons whose function is to exactly replicate the intentions, moves, and even mental states of others.
    One highly suggestive study has shown that we can overcome very deep prejudices by ‘rehumanizing’ others in our minds – once again that ‘subjective’ experience shapes structure and function of the brain, and not (only) the other way around.

  • Psychology

    Psychologists have developed the concept of positive psychology that turns on well-
    being, which is based on positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and
    purpose, and accomplishment. By increasing the amount of flourishing in your own life
    and on the planet, you enhance all five of these elements and thus nourish your well-
    being. Therefore, well-being is a function of our interconnectedness and cannot exist
    only for yourself; it is a combination of feeling good and actually having meaning, good
    relationships, and accomplishment. Furthermore, training pro-social behavior can be an
    effective way to enable individuals to handle personal difficulties and improve social
    outcomes. In a landmark study by Davitz (1952), children trained to be cooperative were
    more cooperative after being subjected to frustration. The Davitz study supports the
    startling conclusion that “priming” can create positive channels through which psychic
    energy flows, regardless of whether the initial energy was positive or negative.


  • Evolution

    The ‘Darwinian’ model (he never really espoused it) of random mutation and ‘survival of the fittest’ has failed to account for evolution. Such things as moral awareness and cooperation rise throughout the evolutionary process along with the progressive alterations of bodily form. There is no reason to think that this evolution is anywhere near complete.


  • Anthropology

    Despite the popular notion that Homo sapiens is inherently violent, there is a wealth of anthropological evidence demonstrating that the dominant modes of interaction among our ancestors were based on generosity, cooperation, and sophisticated means of peacefully resolving disputes. This is in accord with non-material needs that are deeply embedded in human nature and antithetical to war, including the need for bonding. Indeed, as presented by Douglas Fry’s Beyond War: The Human Potential for Peace, the anthropological record suggests that warfare is a phenomenon that has emerged relatively recently. Even today—when the media regales us with news of war and violence—the vast majority of human interactions are peaceful and cooperative, and cross-cultural studies reveal general principles for resolving social conflicts without resorting to violence as well as varied cultures that share strong mechanisms for preventing violence.


  • Sociology

    Prince Pyotr Kropotkin (1842 –1921), who could be called a forerunner of modern sociology, argues in his well-known book, Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (1902), on the basis of extensive research, that contrary to what was made of Darwin, mutual aid, or cooperation is a major factor, if not the major factor, in evolution and even,despite appearances, in human society. Conflict, and consequently the resolution of conflict and to an extent nonviolence, are a subject of study in sociology. Sociology is also adept at understanding and critiquing a number of systemic causes of violence including atomization (see Durkheim), alienation (see Marx), modernity (see Zygmunt Bauman), Comparative sociology and social anthropology have contributed to studies of the characteristics of societies marked by frequent involvement in violent conflict and those equally notable for the absence of violent conflict. Some nations and several pre-industrial societies show violent conflict to be almost absent, showing again that war is not an inevitable result of human nature. By way of example, two modern works to be mentioned are Staughton and Alice Lynd, Nonviolence in America, an excellent overview,and Sharif and Sharif, In Common Predicament, demonstrating that working together is far the most effective activity to bring parties together.
