Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Syria on the Brink: Can Nonviolence Bring Her Back?

Petaluma, California – When the Arab Spring was initiated by Mohammed Bouazizi’s self-immolation last year in Tunisia, it ignited longings for freedom throughout the region; more than that, it took hold of the creative imaginations of non-violent activists and millions of dissatisfied individuals around the world. Has this hope ground to a halt with the… read more

Yemen’s Youth Revolution: A Hope for Nonviolence

News Article by Volunteer: Nicholas Sismil (contact:   The revolutions within the Middle East that have sparked an awakened mass to move forward and use techniques of nonviolence have been an eye-opening moment in history. In spite of the violence of those seeking political power in Yemen, stories and scenarios of nonviolent action by… read more

A Lesson in Nonviolence from NC High School Students

High school students in Lexington and Thomasville, North Carolina came together in the spirit of nonviolence in hopes of ending the violence and rivalry at their football games. Students from these competing schools organized roundtable discussions to find what was at the root of the rivalry between them. They discovered that it has passed down… read more

Nonviolence is making waves

The ripples of nonviolence have made their way across the world this week: IN ZIMBABWE: Four women activists from the strategic non-violence organization ‘Women and Men of Zimbabwe Arise’ (WOZA) were finally released, after spending six days in a Zimbabwean prison for protesting outside of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA). Reporting on the struggle… read more

Nonviolence today in Burma

One way to practice nonviolence is through noncooperation with injust laws. This is IT:… read more

Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program: the application is up!

Dear Metta community, The Metta Center is happy to announce the call for applications for the 2010 Metta Mentors Nonviolence Immersion Program. Yes, to all of you who have been asking: it’s time to apply! On our website (you’re already here!), you’ll now find an entire section devoted to Metta Mentors, where you can learn… read more

Vote for Nonviolence with Free Range Studios

A vote for nonviolent communication is a vote for nonviolence! Have you seen The Story of Stuff? If not, consider stopping to watch it now. Then by all means, continue… Did you think it captured the attention of the world in a way that no other medium had done before? Many people did. Did you learn something… read more

Nonviolence in the Middle East: Obama’s Cairo Speech

By Starhawk On Thursday, President Obama made his speech to the Arab world in Cairo, a speech that did what he does so well,  expressing contradictions and nuances in clear, simple poetic language that calls on everyone to be better than we are.  My first reaction, reading it, was “This speech makes us all safer,… read more

Dimensions of Nonviolent Action

If there was ever a time for nonviolence, it’s now. This show has two talks about the power of nonviolence. The first from Erica Chenoweth, co-author of Why Civil Resistance Works, and the second is from Ken Butigan, Director of Pace e Bene Peace Service, about mainstreaming nonviolence. At the top of the show, we… read more

Community Justice AND Restorative Justice

“We have to repair harm between individuals as well as repair harm in community.” We’re joined by Michael Gilbert, Executive Director of the National Association of Community and Restorative Justice as we explore the dynamics and meaning of community justice. Followed by your fresh take of Nonviolence in the News with Michael Nagler. Play… read more