Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Gandhi’s Influence on Dr. James Farmer

The legacy of Mahatma Gandhi goes well beyond the Indian Freedom Struggle. He has influenced countless movements and struggles for freedom and democracy around the world, decolonization struggles, including the civil rights movement within the United States. We speak with P. Anand Rao who is a professor of Communications and Digital Studies at the University… read more

“Where Do We Go From Here?”

This week’s episode of Nonviolence Radio pays special tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. on the 92nd anniversary of his birth. Michael begins by going over some nonviolence news, covering events in the US and abroad. He highlights the urgent need to listen, to see each other — whatever our different beliefs — as fellow… read more

Let the Healing Begin

Though I pride myself on being familiar with Gandhi’s voluminous writings, there was one aspect of his thinking that never registered with me until I saw the back window of a truck the other day with a death’s head on the rear window and a bumper sticker that read, POLITICALLY INCORRECT / AND PROUD OF… read more

Hold the Line

“What they’re most scared of is mass noncooperation. And when mass noncooperation is organized and strategic and targeted well, it has shown again and again that it can protect democracy and challenge authoritarianism.” ~Hardy Merriman This is an excerpt from our upcoming episode of Nonviolence Radio. Please join us on October 23rd for the entire… read more

Metta at the UN

The Metta Center for Nonviolence has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations. The UN plays a crucial role in creating a more peaceful world, and we work to bring the logic, history and yet-unexplored potential of nonviolence to the international forum and beyond. We believe that the fundamental… read more

Imagination, NV, Nuclear Weapons

There have been cataclysmic changes in the world. Do I still adhere to my faith in truth and nonviolence? Has not the atom exploded that faith? Not only has it not done so but it has clearly demonstrated to me that the twins constitute the mightiest force in the world. Before it, the atom bomb… read more

NV Report July 31

Michael Nagler with the Nonviolence Report. Covering principles and strategies of nonviolence across the movement! Transcript here. In this episode — The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. Gandhi Research Foundation. Single mothers in Philadelphia are taking over abandoned public buildings. Indigenous Women’s Divestment Delegation Pushes Deutsche Bank for Fossil Fuel Divestment Amidst Pipeline Shutdowns,… read more

Alternative Community Security

June 24, 2020 Building off the present energy around re-imagining community protection mechanisms, Eli McCarthy of DC Peace Team and professor at Georgetown University, has been working with members of the Shanti Sena Network and Rand Engel, Researcher at Nonviolence International to create this first edition of “Alternative Community Security: Initiatives and Stories.”  Eli McCarthy said… read more

Learning to Let Go

This is a guest post from volunteer, Astrid Montuclard, after attending our weekly Hope Tank. Find out more about Hope Tank at this link. “What are you learning to let go of amidst the pandemic?” Bathed in my computer’s silvery light, my heart shivers to the question. For six seconds, the words bounce around the… read more

From Metta Mandir: Part 2

From Metta Mandir: Part 2 Last time we touched on what can be considered the most important single action an individual — any individual — can take to begin to restore a sane direction to our culture, which we regard, in turn, as the most important project to restore a sane direction to humanity.  We… read more