Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Learning Nonviolence: Newsletter

Recent events in Charlottesville, Virginia—and many other events before and since the 2016 elections in the US—make it clear that creating a culture of nonviolence requires learning the knowledge, skills, and practices that support it. That learning can happen right now, in two key areas of daily life: our schools and our homes. The Educators… read more

Nonviolence News–Weekly Hope Tank

  “You must not lose your faith in humanity.”  -M.K. Gandhi   The Metta Center for Nonviolence is teaming up with Waging Nonviolence for a Nonviolence News HOPE TANK every Wednesday morning from 8:15-9:15 am PST (11:15-12:15 EST) on the Zoom Platform (meaning phone in or online). We’ll discuss the featured articles Waging Nonviolence, exploring key… read more

Nonviolence News – July 7th, 2017

In the last episode of NONVIOLENCE in the News I cited three very hopeful trends developing partly (at least) in response to the vacuum at the top: 1) Devolution of decision making down to state and community levels – where it belonged in the first place!, 2) A political awakening among progressive religious groups  (Sarah’s interview… read more

Nonviolence News – July 7th, 2017

In the last episode of NONVIOLENCE in the News I cited three very hopeful trends developing partly (at least) in response to the vacuum at the top: 1) Devolution of decision making down to state and community levels – where it belonged in the first place!, 2) A political awakening among progressive religious groups  (Sarah’s interview… read more

Nonviolence News – June 23rd, 2017

  During this week’s episode of Nonviolence Radio, during the Nonviolence in the News Section, we run across no less than three (3) developments that, expanding their reach and taken together, have the potential to shift the paradigm definitively!  They are, 1) thanks to the vacuum (or worse) at the top, power seems to be… read more

Nonviolence News for May 12, 2017.

I had learnt the true practice of law. I had learnt to find out the better side of human nature and to enter men’s hearts. I realized that the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time… read more

Nonviolence Rising: Newsletter

It’s True: Nonviolence is Increasing This age we’re living in—or through—seems to be one of intensifying polarization, with incivility and violence advancing. Hence the importance of the worldwide growth in nonviolence. Learn all about it in our latest newsletter. Inside you’ll find links to the new Peace Paradigm Radio show and several engaging posts. Read the… read more

Nonviolence as Experiential Lab: Newsletter

For the Love of Peace & Our Earth “One of the best aspects of nonviolence is that we can question everything, even our sacred texts, so long as they pass the test in the laboratory of our own experiences.” Our executive director, Stephanie Van Hook, opens today’s newsletter with insights on peace and the courageous… read more

‘Tis the Season of Nonviolence: Newsletter

Thinking Big With Nonviolence It’s interesting to notice that the Season for Nonviolence and Black History Month intersect in February. Interesting, but not surprising, because we do not have to dig down that deeply into “black history” to start uncovering and rediscovering the stories and realities that led many people to join together in a… read more

Nonviolence in Bloom: Newsletter

Happy Spring, everyone! We are on a mission to cultivate great impact over the next couple of years (stay tuned for news on that in the weeks to come). This week’s newsletter includes a special update from our executive director, Stephanie Van Hook. It also features a Q&A with artist Ellie Cross, whose amazing work… read more