Michael, Pancho and Shannon discuss the recent student demonstrations at the University of California. Erika says nothing at all, which as it turns out is easily explained by an obscure Sanskrit text on linguistics.
[audio:2009_1127_HopeTank16.mp3]Recorded November 27, 2009
Dear Michael and Hope Tank members:
As someone named Hope, I always thought I was on the wrong planet. I’ve suffered so in light of the fear mongering, cynicism, and abject pessimism you see all around.
Happily though, since Barak Obama made Hope a household word, I’ve felt I’m on the right planet after all. His book title “The Audacity of Hope” became etched in my memory.
But now you’ve topped that! You get FIRST PRIZE in my contest with your HOPE TANK!! You are CHAMPIONS of Good Language and Evolved Ideas!