Letter to a Young Student

letter to studentI wrote the following letter for a student to be placed in her time capsule to open her senior year.

The assignment asks students to get a letter from an important adult in their lives, and to have the adult seal it so the students don’t know what it’s about until they open it in three years.


Dear Rebeca,

It has been fun getting to know you this year! It is so encouraging to see you work hard and strive for your future goals. I hope you keep playing soccer and make school records senior year! There are so many things running through my head right now, I don’t know where to start. So I guess I’ll start with you!

Know this: you are a bright, intelligent young lady who has the strength, confidence, and work ethic to succeed in life. I am certain you have grown into a mature, responsible young woman who works hard for the things that matter. Keep working hard and keep asking questions. Times will get rough, and you will struggle, but take it one step and one piece at a time and you’ll get there. Above all, keep your positive attitude, and your humility. Know that a bright smile and kind words can make all the difference in someone’s day.

Also, one of the most important things I can tell you is that it gets better. School is in no way an accurate representation of life, (unless you become a teacher!) and once it’s over, you’ll start to get a better sense of who you are and who you want to be. You will have more freedom, and of course, more responsibility. Enjoy the self-exploration you will engage in your college years, and find a career to match your strengths and your passions. I know you care a lot about other people, and studying a profession where you can do that would nourish your soul. But know, too, that your career does not define you, it is just a way to earn a living and deliver your gifts to the world.

Finally, remember it’s the people who matter most in your life.  It’s easy to get caught up in how famous you’ll be or how much money you’ll make, but I can say with certainty that is not as important as you get older. What matters most is how you treat the people you care about in your life. Always show kindness to others. Remember to practice empathy and put yourself in their shoes. We are all family, knit together by the web of relationships in our life, and the only way to succeed that matters is to be there for the people you love. In the days to come, through the joy and struggles, always ask yourself, what kind of person was I?

As for me, I will always be your teacher.

All the best,