Tips for Families Post-Election

In the Midst of Chaos
Six Tips for Peacebuilding Families



We are are all enveloped in our chaotic lives, spurred by current events, and many among us are especially concerned especially over the US election of a President who ran on a platform of overt bullying. What are we supposed to say to the children in our lives?

Our children listen to what we say. They internalize how we respond. They watch how we act. What can we do?

    • Don’t dichotomize people. This is dehumanization 101. When we separate the world into the “good guys” and “bad guys” we teach children to be fearful and justify violence against those with whom we disagree. Eventually, it falls onto the child–believing that they are “good” or “bad.”
    • Share your highest values. Children are listening to everything we say and do not say, watching what we do and when we refuse to act. Talk to your children about the kind of world you want to live in and what kinds of behaviors can make that world possible.
    • Media, what kind? Pay attention to the messages in the media to which your children are exposed. Does the program seek constructive solutions? Are they affirming of positive outcomes and appreciation for diversity? Or are women, people of color, people with other abilities, an “other” in general marginalized, humiliated, the recipient of violence? Is there a scapegoat, someone who, if expelled, killed, etc., makes the society seemingly safer? Don’t buy into scapegoating. If you need more information about this, visit The Raven Foundation.
    • Affirm your love. We can’t do this enough. In all situations. Love is unconditional.
    • Work Together for the good of others. Team up with them to make a difference in their community. Children need good examples. It’s up to us.
    • Peace in our hearts. Let them explore their natural spiritual side, whatever that looks like in your home, with you. Maybe it’s a moment of silence before bed. Maybe it’s lighting a candle each night for those who need love in their hearts. Maybe it’s something else. Make it regular. You’ll know what will work.

What other tips can you add to this list?