Cultural & Peace Trip to Iran: June 29 – July 9, 2017

Nonviolence International invites you to make history with an affordable travel opportunity: visit Iran.

Delegation will include Dr. Mubarak Awad, founder of Nonviolence International, and Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink.

Iran is home to 85 million people with an ancient history and culture. Iranians are eager
to meet Americans to further mutual understanding and find common ground during
these critical times. Join this unprecedented trip to open dialogue between Iranians and
Americans who seek a peaceful future between our peoples.

Explore a Fascinating CountryIranian temple

The trip will bring participants to the cities of Shiraz, Isfahan, and Tehran. You will have a chance to visit an ancient world riddled with mosaic mosques, enchanting palaces, and medieval fortresses.

Iranian studentsForge New Friendships

Participants will meet with Iranian war veterans as well as share ideas and build memories with Iranians engaged in music/art/film, and community service, all towards improving cross-cultural understanding.

Experience a Vibrant CultureIranian street

Iran is home to an incredible ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, as witnessed in its many museums and popular sites like Tehran’s Grand Bazaar.


Total trip cost: $2900 (there’s a limited number of student scholarships available).

For more info, please email:

To apply, go to:




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