99 Rise and the March for Democracy

“Address corruption–get money out of politics–restore Democracy”

99 rise

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Welcome to Peace Paradigm Radio. The show begins with a look at some local, national and international nonviolence in the news, then we turn to look at the California March for Democracy the day before the march begins.

On the eve of the California March for Democracy, march organizer from 99 Rise Kai Newkirk joins us to give us a look at some of the demands, strategic thinking, influences, and goals of the march. And we also learn a lot about the guy himself–his inspiration and thought-process about the power of nonviolence as he has experienced it, including how he is preparing himself spiritually and mentally for the march from Los Angeles to Sacramento. Come for the strategic thinking, stay for the inspiration, and find out how to get involved before the march is over by either joining the march or offering your support to the organizers in 99 Rise. Kai’s part of a brilliant team. Listen and you’ll hear why we think this.

A great way to learn about how nonviolent movements build momentum.