Building a Movement: Metta’s First Roadmap Fellow

profileAnna Ikeda is a nonprofit project manager dedicated to human rights, community development and nuclear abolition. She graduated from University of Denver with MA in International Human Rights, and completed her BA at Soka University of America.

Her passion for nonviolence derives from her belief in each life’s dignity and conviction that people have the power to transform society. She “discovered” nonviolence as a field of study last year when she took a course through the University for Peace online program,

and was struck by the concept because it encompassed everything she believes in – including her spirituality as a Buddhist, her academic background, and passion for social change. Anna is also a graduate of Metta Center’s Certificate Program in Nonviolence Studies (pilot) and currently helps the new cohort by participating in class discussion.


In her role as Metta’s new Roadmap Fellow, Anna is charged with an ambitious task of being the “point person” for the Roadmap and helping the next stages of its development. She will be reviewing the existing resources, helping the development of training opportunities, and building partnership with like-minded groups who want to join the movement. She is excited to embark this journey together with everyone at Metta!

“A great human revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will enable a change in the destiny of all humankind.” – Daisaku Ikeda