Emergency Conflict Transformation: Mica and Peijman

Mica in KoreaMica Stumpf has had a keen interest in peace and nonviolence for as long as she can remember, as she was born to a father who was drafted and disabled from the Vietnam War. She received her B.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies from U.C., Berkeley and has been actively involved with the Metta Center for Nonviolence for the past three years. For the past year she has worked as a Kingian Nonviolence trainer with East Point Peace Academy. She has also trained in restorative justice and mediation. In the fall of 2013 she spent six weeks working as an observer with an international peace team in Jeju Island, South Korea, where local activists are waging a nonviolent struggle against the construction of a navy base within a biosphere reserve.

With Peijman Kouretchain she is creating a nonprofit, Emergency Conflict Transformation (ECT). The mission of ECT is to provide a 24 hotline for people in immediate need of conflict assistance (in the Oakland and Berkeley areas). ECT will have a “flying squad” of mediators who will come in person to de-escalate and mediate. The service is designed in the spirit of constructive program, as an alternative institution to the police department. In addition to nonviolence, Mica is also passionate about traveling, education, community and working with children.


peijpicPeijman Kouretchian has been working as a Kingian Nonviolence trainer with Positive Peace Warrior Network and East Point Peace Academy since January 2013. This work has opened the opportunity to teach nonviolence in local jails, tapping into a passion to serve communities most affected by violence. He has also been trained in leading restorative justice circles and mediation. Peijman has worked in high conflict entertainment security for over five years, mediating within diverse populations in times of overt violence. This real world experience as well as his independent one-on-one empowerment coaching practice has allowed him to put his academic theories to the test in many different contexts.

Peijman is a professional musician having toured internationally and nationally many times.  Bridging music and activism is his current passion.  In July of 2013 he played drums for 24 hours non-stop in solidarity with the US prisoners on hunger strike protesting for an end to torture.

With Mica Stumpf, he is creating a nonprofit, Emergency Conflict Transformation (ECT). The mission of ECT is to provide a 24 hotline for people in immediate need of conflict assistance (in the Oakland and Berkeley areas). ECT will have a “flying squad” of mediators who will come in person to de-escalate and mediate. The service is designed in the spirit of constructive program, as an alternative institution to the police department.