Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Nonviolence in Schools – Podcast

  This week on Peace Paradigm Radio, we speak with Robin Wildman about her experiences bringing Kingian Nonviolence into the public school system, both in the classroom and through teacher trainings. You won’t want to miss her story of how her journey into being a nonviolence educator, which began back in 2001, when Freedom Rider… read more

The Good in All of Us: Newsletter

Image of fireworks

Nonviolence: Celebrating Goodness “The truth that each one of us is deeply good, even if that goodness is covered by other conditioning, gives me hope,” writes Stephanie Van Hook in her newsletter introduction. Stephanie quotes a verse from the Baghavad Gita, one that she has been meditating on—and one that refers to our inherent goodness… read more

Terrorism & Our Response: Newsletter

Photo of deer

Traveling the Road of Nonviolence We who try to carry the torch of nonviolence know that nonviolence applies everywhere, so as peel after peel of violence racks the world we find ourselves saying essentially the same thing: “Turn back, you’re going the wrong way.” With some skill, though, we can always bring out the way… read more

Nonviolence and Terrorism: Webinar

image of Gandhi

  On this page you will find several resources including a link to the webinar if you missed it; a follow-up Q and A with the presenters, and resources for further action.        … read more

On Joy & Hope for Our Nonviolent Future: Newsletter

Students See the Value of Nonviolence “When I hear people voicing despair about the state of the world,” writes Stephanie Knox-Cubbon in her newsletter introduction, “I say to them, ‘I wish you could meet my students!'” Stephanie looks toward our nonviolent future, one her students believe in—and one they’re making happen everyday. Today’s newsletter also… read more

Nonviolence now! (Alycee Lane)- Podcast

In this episode of Peace Paradigm Radio we interview author Alycee Lane about her book Nonviolence Now: Living the 1963 Birmingham Campaign’s Promise of Peace. We also juxtapose principled nonviolence and strategic nonviolence, discussing application and the meaning of both. What does it mean to embody nonviolence? Read more on her blog, Coming in from… read more

“Everyone a newspaper”–Daily Metta

November 27: “Let everyone become his walking newspaper and carry the good news from mouth to mouth.” –Gandhi (Mahatma, vol. 6, p. 2) As the British rallied popular opinion, funds and other support for its war efforts in the 1940s, they tried to downplay the resistance efforts within India. This included censoring the press–not allowing… read more

Peace Above All: Newsletter

Isn’t it clear yet that war is not the answer? At the Metta Center, we envision a world transformed by an awareness of the true potential of every human being, where all of life is sacred and where all our social systems work in harmony with the earth. We see a world in which conflict… read more

Death and Nonviolence – Podcast

‘Tis the season to contemplate death as the cold and dark of the night lingers longer, the growing cycles come to an end and Halloween and Day of the Dead celebrations are upon us.  Michael and Stephanie discuss nonviolence, death, and what they have to do with each other. What does the fear of death… read more

Your Real Vocation: Newsletter

Nonviolence as Artful Work Nonviolence does not belong to a single group or kind of work; it belongs to all of humanity and has a place in everything we do. When asked about the vocation of her Sisters, Mother Theresa said that it went beyond wearing the white sari habit. “Our vocation,” she replied, “is… read more