Search Results for nonviolence in the news

“Yoga of Nonviolence”–Podcast

Spiritual activist, artist and yoga teacher, Narayan St. Jude joins Michael and Stephanie at the station to talk about his journey from being an Army reservist to becoming a yoga teacher and inspirational nonviolent “warrior.”  This, as well as a conversation about holographic activism and more creative acts of nonviolence in our very entertaining news… read more

Nonviolence and Nonviolent Communication

In honor of Marshall Rosenberg October 6, 1934-February 7, 2015 Peace Paradigm Radio explores the power of active nonviolence. Our show begins with Michael Nagler’s inspiring and empowering review of nonviolence in the news from around the world. Then we begin to explore the relationship between nonviolence and nonviolent communication. Beyond its powerful potential in… read more

The Art of Nonviolence-PPR

(Gandhi’s only possessions at the time of his samadhi)   On this episode of Peace Paradigm Radio, we talk with Josef Helfenstein, curator of a Houston exhibit (in the Menil Collection), and book published by Yale and Menil, entitled Experiments with Truth: Gandhi and Images of Nonviolence. Helfenstein spent decades researching the subject and brought together an amazing… read more

Happy Birthday to You, MLK! – newsletter

At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love. ~ Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Click here to view our newsletter for 1-14-15. … read more

Reporting Nonviolence

A Way Forward Our work at Metta Center and yours as a journalist/media producer stem from the same ideal: truth. We both strive to serve the public interest, which is everyone’s interest. We aim to provide you with the insights and resources needed to cover nonviolence events, culture and movements in a way that supports… read more

Pre-boarding to Tel Aviv: a lesson in nonviolence

“There is no real security except for whatever you build inside yourself.” – Gilda Radner – “You’re not going to change the world from the airport,” my friend wryly counseled me at the Metta office, just a few weeks before we left for Israel-Palestine. “Focus on getting into the country–keep your answers short and to the… read more

The Creative Power of Nonviolence: a conversation with Tom Hastings

  In this show, we begin by exploring nonviolence in the news, where you’ll hear Michael express concern over some recent propaganda he heard at his gym about Fracking (hint: it linked it to nationalism), you’ll hear Stephanie express concern over Sarah Palin’s recent statement about water boarding (hint: it has to do with feminism),… read more

Gandhi, Montessori and Nonviolence in Early Childhood

“The study of love and its utilization will lead us to the source from which it springs, The Child.”   “Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.” –Maria Montessori “It is perfectly true, I must admit it in all humility, that however indifferently it… read more

Nonviolence for the Holiday Season–Nov 29

A great show to prepare you for the holiday season. We have Michael Nagler in the Nonviolence News corner for a great analysis of news from a nonviolence angle, some inspiration from Eknath Easwaran’s book, Patience, and joining us in the studio is Miki Kashtan, co-founder of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication to talk about the nonviolence behind… read more

A Philadelphia School’s Big Bet on Nonviolence

Despite having one of the highest crime rates in the nation, and being in a school system that is considered to be on the verge of collapse, one Philadelphia school is having immense success going against the grain.  A school that was once know as the “jail” has seen a 90% drop in crime as a result… read more