Search Results for nonviolence in the news

From India with Love

Mandar Apte, Executive Director of From India with Love, joins Nonviolence Radio to discuss his documentary film and transformative nonviolent programs for police officers. Plus a short segment of Nonviolence in the News with Michael Nagler. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more

Filmmaking & Social Transformation

Meet Steve Michelson–documentary filmmaker and social transformation strategist. Listen in about how he sees documentary filmmaking as a tool for creative social and environmental justice, and get involved in something he cares a lot about: Nature Needs Half.  Stay a few minutes more for hope and inspiration from our latest segment of Nonviolence in the News with news,… read more

Big Questions, Big Answers about NV

In this episode, we explore some big questions and big answers about nonviolence and human existence (!) as we dive into some powerful and imporant instances of nonviolence in the news. Podcast below. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS… read more

Poor People’s Campaign and more

“We as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a “thing‐oriented” society to a “person‐oriented” society.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.   David Hartsough, Executive Director of Peaceworkers, author of Waging Peace, and long-time nonviolent activist joins Nonviolence Radio to talk about the Poor People’s Campaign,… read more

What’s in a pledge? Podcast

  Pledges, vows, and oaths, oh my! What role do they play in nonviolence and nonviolent action? What kind of commitment to nonviolence are you willing to make right now, and what do you need to deepen your commitment over time? Listen to this show for more insight on these questions, and don’t miss your… read more

Roots of Resistance: Podcast

What happens when we imagine and tell stories about nonviolent movements? We are more likely to make them a reality! Novelist, activist, trainer, Rivera Sun, joins us to talk about her latest novel, The Roots of Resistance, and the power of nonviolence in all of its constructive and obstructive creativity. Stay on for a dose of Nonviolence… read more

We are the leaders we need: podcast

“We are the leaders we have been waiting for.” -Lamisa Mustafa We pass the mic of Nonviolence Radio this week to Lamisa Mustafa and Candice Fudzie, of Southern Methodist University, Dallas, to discuss the growing youth movement to challenge the culture of gun violence in America. Candice is on the organizing committee for March for… read more

Youth Organizing and Nonviolent Power

Joe Worthy is a National Organizer with the Children’s Defense Fund, an organization, which is, among other things, committed to helping youth strategize and win nonviolent campaigns, affirming that their voices and lives matter. If you are organizing in the youth community or in your school, Joe wants to be in touch. Find out more… read more

Peace Spirit in Iran

  In this episode of Nonviolence Radio, Michael Nagler speaks with activist, educator, and journalist Mr. Hamid Reza Gholamzadeh from Peace Spirit Foundation in Tehran, about the peace movement in Iran and insights from the current political situation and uprisings from within Iran. Part two of the show is your dose of nonviolence in the news for… read more

Following the Footsteps of Gandhi (NV Radio)

Vinoba Bhave (above) Dr. Geeta Mehta talks with Nonviolence Radio about her experiences with Vinoba Bhave, one of Gandhiji’s closest associates/students, and founder of the incredible land-gift movement. Then, Michael and Stephanie affirm the power of nonviolence with their inspiring dose of Nonviolence in the News from around the world. Play in new window… read more