Search Results for nonviolence in the news

A Roadmap for Radicals – podcast

In this episode of Nonviolence Radio we talk with activist and writer, Jonathan Smucker, author of Hegemony: How To. A Roadmap for Radicals, about the opportunities for progressives to gain lasting political power, and some pitfalls to watch out for. And Michael Nagler joins us on his birthday–and the day of the inauguration of Donald… read more

Turning the Tables – Podcast

How is the trickster archetype playing out in society today? Who is the trickster? Is dedication to truth waning? How can we, using nonviolence, “turn the tables” on the trickster, and how can we “flip the script” in situations of conflict? This week on Nonviolence Radio, Michael Nagler and Stephanie Van Hook have an interesting discussion… read more

The Way Between – Podcast

New song, new name! Our good friend, Rivera Sun, joins us for our first episode of Nonviolence Radio (previously Peace Paradigm Radio), to tell us about her new Young Adult novel The Way Between. Rivera Sun is a performance artist, radio host, activist, author of books, poetry and screenplays, and much, much more. Stephanie, Michael and Rivera… read more

The Monsters Within – Podcast

Don’t miss this special Halloween episode of Peace Paradigm Radio. Stephanie tells a scary monster story and then Michael Nagler joins her to answer questions about where monsters come from and how to overcome them. What is fear and where does it come from? We will also hear some real life scary stories and how… read more

Deepening our Understanding of Gandhi – Podcast

Mike Heller joins Peace Paradigm Radio this week to help us deepen our understanding of Gandhi and his life. Heller is co-coordinator of Peace and Justice Studies at Roanoke College and co-editor of the book Mohandas K. Gandhi: The Last Eighteen Years. After a discussing Mike Heller’s journey from military to quakers, Michael Nagler, Stephanie Van… read more

The Philosophy and Activism of Gandhi – Podcast

Happy 147th birthday, Mahatma Gandhi! Dr. Veena Howard, author of Gandhi’s Ascetic Activism: Renunciation and Social Action, among other works, and assistant professor of Religious Studies at California State University, Fresno, joins us to celebrate Gandhi’s birthday. Who was Gandhi? We speak about Gandhi’s philosophies, experiments, and activism in depth. How does renunciation, including brahmacharya (celibacy vow)… read more

Taking a Stand at Standing Rock – Podcast

Chief Phil Lane joins Peace Paradigm Radio for an amazing interview about the history, significance, and current events at Standing Rock, and the construction of the Dakota Access Pipe Line. Chief Lane is a member of the Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations, and is the founder of the Four Worlds International Institute. What is so… read more

Making the World Safer – Podcast

In a world full of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, how can we be more safe? Joining our hosts Michael Nagler and Stephanie Van Hook is the amazing Alice Slater, the New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. She also serves on the Coordinating Committee of World Beyond War. Did you know that the… read more

From the RNC to the DNC and BEYOND – Podcast

This week on Peace Paradigm Radio we delve into the realm of US national politics. First we speak with Elliott Adams, of Meta Peace Team, about his trip to the RNC. Conflict is normal and even healthy, but violence is not. Hear Elliott tell us why he was at the RNC (Republican National Convention) and… read more

Gandhi as a Spiritual Force – Podcast

    We are in for a treat this week on Peace Paradigm Radio, in which we feature Michael’s talk, Gandhi as a Spiritual Force, which was featured at the  Vedanta Retreat in Marin County, California this spring. Vedanta is one of the oldest living religions of the world. It affirms that all religions lead to the… read more