Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Combatting cyber-bullying with a higher image of people

A high school senior combats cyber-bullying through cyber-nonviolence and a higher image of his peers. *** Check out any Hollywood movie set in high school and you’ll see the football captain portrayed as a dumb, arrogant jock who’s either a bully or a bystander, someone who passively watches other students get verbal and physical smackdowns. But… read more


Nonviolence is all about connection. On this page, you’ll find lots of ways to connect, including our contact info, events, and newsletter sign-up form. Have questions about our educational programs, volunteer opportunities, visiting Metta, or something else? Have a powerful nonviolence story to share? Get in touch! Send a Message or Ask a Question: At… read more

Mailing List

“The time is always right to do what is right.” ~ MLK Sign up for our newsletter and receive Metta Center insights, workshop/program news and updates to online materials that can strengthen your studies of nonviolence. We respect your privacy—your contact information stays with us. Email Address * First Name Last Name Please select all… read more

New Story

It’s Not Really a New Story at All “The deepest crises experienced by any society are those moments of change when the story becomes inadequate for meeting the survival demands of a present situation.” ~ Thomas Berry     The explosive growth of scientific thought that began in the West with the Renaissance and ultimately… read more

Person Power

From People Power to Person Power The term “people power” was coined during the successful Philippine insurrection of 1986, to indicate the impressive power available to citizens when acting collectively. But as Cardinal Sin pointed out during that mass uprising: “It was amazing. It was two million independent decisions. Each one said, in his heart, ‘I… read more

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-18

We met with Jawdat Said last night and he is AMAZING. A truly leading voice for nonviolence in our troubled… # # # Syria on the Brink: Can Nonviolence Bring Her Back? (Sunday March 18, Monday March 19). … # Check out our latest e-mail newsletter: #… read more

Do we live in a meaningless universe?

 Ours is not an empty, disorderly world, but an exquisitely structured web whose design embraces and affects all living things. –Sally Goerner WESTERN CIVILIZATION could be considered a grand experiment, culminating in the three-plus centuries of the industrial revolution, to see if the universe could be accounted for without resorting to the concept of a… read more

Violence and Evolution: Where Do We Stand?

How do we measure violence? The question has come up because of recent studies by Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, featured on TED among other venues, which seem to show that, contrary to common opinion, violence has been steadily decreasing by a number of measures for several millennia.  Some of these measures are at first sight… read more

Compassionate Design

Originally published as “September 11 and Satyagraha” on on September 8, 2011 by Michael N. Nagler As the news of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination spread through India on the first day of February, 1948, an American journalist was stunned by the intensity of the grief swirling around him.  An Indian friend explained to him, “You… read more

Happenings in Sonoma County: September

As Paul Hawken has described in “Blessed Unrest”, there are hundreds of thousands of organizations around the world already working to bring about peace and social justice. It’s the largest movement in history.  Join us!   List Compiled by: Kendra Mon, Petaluma, The Peace Alliance, 707-992-0367 She says, “See our new website, learn about some… read more