Search Results for nonviolence in the news

Memorial for a Martyr

When I was studying ancient Greek history many (many) years ago, it dawned on me that a nation rises and falls on the way that it treats its outstanding people, who are often its most important critics.  By this standard, and by many others, the vital signs of America are not encouraging.  According to an… read more’s Bold New Plan to Save the Climate

By Philip Wight From Waging Nonviolence (December 3, 2012) It’s a cold fall evening in Columbus, Ohio, but nearly a thousand people are ready to contemplate the consequences of man-made global warming. A tall, slender man strolls on stage and the crowd instantly rises, applauding for nearly two minutes, much to the discomfort of the humble speaker.… read more

The next phase of Sheik Jawdat Said’s nonviolent journey

By Ken Butigan, originally posted at Waging Nonviolence on June 7, 2012 In the midst of the growing firestorm engulfing Syria, Sheik Jawdat Said is on his way back to the land of his birth. The eminent 81-year-old Islamic thinker has championed nonviolence for decades. In 1966, as Bashar Humeid reports, Said published The Doctrine… read more

Alice Paul’s Enduring Legacy of Nonviolent Action

Suffragists picketing in front of the White House in 1917. (Harris & Ewing/Library of Congress) By Ken Butigan Article originally posted on Waging Nonviolence Turning points are easier to recognize long after they’ve occurred than while they’re taking place. One of those shifts happened 100 years ago next month, setting in motion a dramatic strategy… read more

Setting the Stage: a nonviolent classroom

Setting the Stage: Rudiments of a Nonviolent Classroom by Michael Nagler It is possible to teach students the basic principles of nonviolence in a normal classroom setting with the usual methods that we would use for mathematics or any other subject (Gandhi, after all, always insisted it was a science”).  For two reasons, however, we… read more

Making History: Remembering and Continuing the Keystone XL Campaign

Article and photos by Philip Wight, Metta blogger.   In studying the history of nonviolence, too often we look to the distant past and neglect the uncertain present. As September draws to a close, advocates of nonviolence should reflect upon last years’ campaign of nonviolent direct action against the Keystone XL pipeline—and not forget that… read more

Weeklong Curriculum: High Schools

Teach the basics of nonviolence with this weeklong curriculum for high school students. Please click here for a pdf of the following curriculum. Three supporting documents: Educator Questionnaire Setting the Stage by Michael Nagler The Five Pillars of Education by Michael Nagler… read more

Cultivating a Spiritual Practice

“As vast is the infinite world beyond is the world within the lotus of the heart.” -The Chandogya Upanishad   A spiritual practice is a powerful tool for the integration of nonviolence on a daily basis. Spiritual here does not mean ‘religious’ or ‘dogmatic’; it means rather an ‘inner awareness’ or an integrated perspective on… read more

Roadmap Basics

WE ALL BELONG HERE: ROADMAP–A STRATEGY FOR LONG-TERM NONVIOLENT TRANSFORMATION How many times have you heard someone say, where do we go from here? ROADMAP  just might be an answer. Roadmap is a strategic plan drawing on Gandhian principles for long-term nonviolent transformation with the potential to unite all of our various projects and passions without sacrificing their individuality.… read more

Where do you belong in Roadmap? Connect here.

“There are no roads to peace. Peace is the road.” –M.K. Gandhi Now that you have downloaded a copy of Roadmap, explored the “Story of Belonging,” and read the “pledge of nonviolence,” here’s where you make the critical connections about your work and where you find yourself currently on the Roadmap. Our goal is to… read more