Search Results for nonviolence in the news

The Human Heart & Spirit: Newsletter

The Metta Center was amidst the recent Northern California fires. While news broadcasted the tragic loss of dozens of lives and thousands of homes, something entirely different was afoot that didn’t get so much attention: Our community came together in ways that were awe-inspiring and a confirmation of the deep humanity that resides with us.… read more

How We See: Newsletter

The Metta Center team has started exploring questions related to nonviolence every week. We take turns with the question-asking; whoever feels called to pose a question puts one out there. Some questions relate to personal circumstances, while others pertain to views about nonviolence in our broader culture. What’s on our minds and in our hearts:… read more

Nonviolence in Western Sahara – Podcast

Dr. Stephen Zunes takes us on a very interesting journey in this episode of Nonviolence Radio. Dr. Zunes, a scholar of social movements and professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Fransisco, joins host Stephanie Van Hook to speak about the conflict in Western Sahara. He describes and analyzes the occupation,… read more

Nature & Human Purpose: Newsletter

Mullein, a “weed” whose seeds can lay dormant for over 100 years knows its purpose. These plants break up dry soil, their taproots mining nutrients that feed other plant life. Their tall seed heads produce 100,000 to 180,000 seeds, sustaining birds. Mullein live for 2 years, leaving behind mineral-rich matter. What about our purpose? Find… read more

Permaculture and Nonviolence – Podcast

To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, a seeker of nonviolence cannot keep out of any area of life; you’re going to find yourself navigating all the paths that humans have created to sustain our life on earth either directly or indirectly because all systems and forms of life are interrelated. We’re going to find the principles of… read more

Reclaiming Democracy: Newsletter

Bringing Back Democracy What’s the underlying belief about human nature that’s making the erosion of democracy possible, and how can we repair it? That’s a question we ought to be asking. “Tyranny feeds on the belief that we are separate from one another,” writes Michael Nagler in his intro. “Democracy, and its signal feature of… read more

Soulful Revolution: Newsletter

Love & Revolution: A Time for Growth In her book The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century, Grace Lee Boggs writes about how linking Love and Revolution is an idea whose time has come. We couldn’t agree more! Today we’ve released our bi-weekly newsletter under a new name: Practical Idealist. To us, this… read more

Faith in Nonviolence: Christian Peacemakers – Podcast

  In this episode we continue our research into major players in the new field of “unarmed peacekeeping” or “third party nonviolent intervention.” This time, we talk with the executive director of Christian Peacemaker Teams about the power of critical community and the role that a religious faith can play in this important work–and how… read more

Grateful for Beloved Community: Newsletter

Nonviolence, Not Arms Deals At the Metta Center, we do not try to justify nonviolence as a tool to “get what we want” alone; we look at it through the lens of a new culture altogether: exploring the space where science, wisdom, history, spirituality, and human (and animal) psychology intersect. It’s thrilling—there’s so much to… read more

We All Belong: Newsletter

Here’s to Lifelong Learning News: Our annual Certificate in Nonviolence Studies program, an in-depth exploration of the theory and practice of nonviolence, started this week. We’re immensely inspired by the group of participants, who come from all corners of the globe—and who are deeply committed to learning about nonviolence. This week’s newsletter includes all kinds… read more