Search Results for nonviolence in the news

The Science of Nonviolence – podcast

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, evolution biologist and futurist, joins us on Nonviolence Radio this week, where we take a scientific perspective of nonviolence in honor of the recent March for Science. Sahtouris is also an author and speaker and discusses many aspects of biology, history, evolution and science, including why the cooperative aspects of evolution as… read more

Democracy & Our Human Image: Newsletter

For a Revolutionary Approach We want to stop the slide toward autocratic rule, in the United States and anywhere. As many nonviolence theorists believe, that can only be done by an ambitious drive toward much greater democracy than we knew before. It is not a remedial but a revolutionary approach that’s called for now. And… read more

New Story + Nonviolence = Victory – podcast

This week on Nonviolence Radio, Michael and Stephanie reveal the math equation for societal transformation and a new paradigm: NV + NS = V. Nonviolence plus New Story equals Victory. Learn about the effects of nonviolence and violence on the human body and psyche. How do we shift the image of the human being and ground… read more

Sobering Moments & Opportunities: Newsletter

Imagining a New Future In this edition of our bi-weekly newsletter, Metta Center board member Anna Ikeda writes about attending the UN conference to negotiate a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons. She reflects on a very sobering moment at the conference—one that she says provides us with a clear opportunity to discern what real peace… read more

Every Effort Counts: Newsletter

Happy Spring & A Friendly Reminder It might take a generation—or even several generations—for our efforts to blossom. We don’t know what will come of our work. But when we look at the history of movements for greater peace and freedom, we can get an urgent sense of why the work we’re doing now matters:… read more

The Future Starts Now: Newsletter

What We Do in the Present Matters Mahatma Gandhi said, “The future will depend on what we do in the present.” Wisdom teaches us that no matter what we do, we cannot avoid action; even our thoughts have an effect on ourselves and the world around us. So: How do we discern the right action… read more

Nonviolence, the Holy Land, and Beyond – Podcast

This episode begins with Nonviolence in the News, your source for resources, news, and analysis that the mainstream media just doesn’t understand. Next, Michael and Stephanie play a recent interview conducted with Ali Abul Awwad, founder of Taghyeer (‘Change’), the Palestinian National Nonviolence Movement dedicated to development needs and opening a path to resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. He… read more

We Need Action: Newsletter

Let’s take action—we can do this. “It’s easier to act our way into a new way of thinking than it is to think our way into a new way of acting,” as an old saying goes. We need action. And so this edition of our newsletter can be seen as a call-to-action. Plus, you can… read more

The Week in Nonviolence

I interrupt my usual sequence (resources, news, events) with a PSA:  Metta is hosting two events this coming week: the talk by impressive Palestinian activist on Tuesday, Feb. 22 and the strategy discussion cum fundraiser at Aqus Café the following evening. OK, back to schedule. Resources. To start with a bit of human interest: Arthur… read more

For Community: Newsletter

Community Will Carry Us Through People who’ve never been active before are now engaging in activism, and many long-time activists are “amping it up.” As we become more active and engaged in response to the times, there’s a real risk for burnout and frustration, especially if things don’t happen as fast as we’d like them… read more