
“There can be no Satyagraha in an unjust cause. Satyagraha in a just cause is vain, if the men espousing it are not determined and capable of fighting and suffering to the end; and the slightest use of violence often defeats a just cause. Satyagraha excludes the use of violence in any shape or form, whether in thought, speech, or deed. Given a just cause, capacity for endless suffering and avoidance of violence, victory is a certainty.” M.K. Gandhi. (REFERENCE: Young India 27.4.1921.)
“For me whatever is in the atoms and molecules is in the universe. I believe in the saying that what is in the microcosm of one’s self is reflected in the macrocosm.” M.K. Gandhi (REFERENCE: 4 April 1947)
Satyagraha (pronounced: Saty-AHH-grAH-ha, emphasis on second and third A) literally means “grasping to Truth.” Gandhi coined this phrase to emphasize that his conception of nonviolence was much more active and much more positive a force than what people thought of as “passive resistance.”
This is the third installation in our Roadmap talks (see also: Person Power and Constructive Program)
If you have a question or would like to schedule an “office hour” with Metta about these talks, please contact us at our office or send us an email ( with SATYAGRAHA in the subject line.
1. When is Satyagraha necessary?
2. What is Satyagraha?
3. What are the guidelines for Satyagraha?
4. Is Satyagraha “moving the heart?”
5. How does one train for Satyagraha?
6. How do I evaluate its effectiveness?
7. Is Satyagraha just a set of tactics?
8. What comes next?