Tag Archives: democracy

“Beyond Tolerance”–Daily Metta

March 26: “If we want to cultivate a true spirit of democracy, we cannot afford to be intolerant.” –Gandhi (Young India, 2-2-1921, p. 33) The spirit of democracy is based on the value of the individual human person. To be intolerant of anyone based on our particular likes, dislikes, or even fears, is therefore a… read more

“Everyone is a Peacekeeper”–Daily Metta

March 2:  “Democracy and dependence on the military and police are incompatible.” -Gandhi (Mind of Mahatma Gandhi, p. 347) Inspired by Gandhi’s vision of personal empowerment, in the pre-school classroom where I work with three to six year olds, we do not designate only one or two people to act as “peacekeeper” for a day.… read more

“True Democracy and Nonviolence”–Daily Metta

February 16: “I believe that true democracy can only be an outcome of nonviolence.” –Gandhi (Gandhi’s Correspondence with the Government 1942-1944, p. 143) While violence is often considered the prerogative of democracies, and even a way of spreading the principle, if you think about it, violence and democracy are actually incompatible. In violence, you must… read more

“The power of a choice”–Daily Metta

January 24 “We had lost the power of saying ‘no’. It had become disloyal, almost sacrilegious to say ‘no’ to the Government.” –Gandhi (Young India, 6-1-1921, p. 173) Our ability to say ‘no’ to what we regard as wrong is as necessary to a democratic society as our ability to say ‘yes’ to the things… read more