Tag Archives: experiment in nonviolence

“No means no–and yes means yes”–Daily Metta

March 28: “In our Ashram we make it a rule that we must say ‘No’ when we mean ‘No,’ regardless of the consequences.” –Gandhi (February 16, 1916, Selected Writings, pp. 377-390) How many resentments begin when we are not clear with our boundaries and limits, when we say ‘yes’ out of a feeling of fear… read more

“Life is an Endless Experiment”–Daily Metta

March 19: “Life is but an endless series of experiments.” —Gandhi (Young India 9-25-1924, p. 313) When we approach life in the spirit of nonviolence, we must do so in humility. It is a seeming impossible goal, yet the promise is that in striving and doing our level best, we can indeed move closer to… read more