Tag Archives: poverty

Acts of Service: Daily Metta

“Ahimsa must express itself through acts of service of the masses.” ~ Gandhi, Mahatma, vol. 8., p. 81 Among other ways. But it seems that today, no less than in the India still impoverished by colonial exploitation in Gandhi’s day, fiendish systems of exploitation force a billion people worldwide into dire and unnecessary poverty. Of… read more

Pushing the Powerful Into a Moral Corner at India’s Barefoot College

Women working in a solar engineering lab at Barefoot College. Photo by Miki Kashtan.   By Miki Kashtan Originally posted on Waging Nonviolence, March 7th, 2012. One of the challenges that nonviolent campaigns face is how to engage those in power. Whether it be the British officials, as in Gandhi’s case, or the 1 percent, as… read more