The Metta Center is not an organization that teaches Nonviolent Communication in workshops, but we work from the same worldview. Here is founder of Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg, describing, in his words, this worldview.
by Metta Center
The Metta Center is not an organization that teaches Nonviolent Communication in workshops, but we work from the same worldview. Here is founder of Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg, describing, in his words, this worldview.
By: Metta Center
We provide educational resources on the safe and effective use of nonviolence, with the recognition that it’s not about putting the right person in power but awakening the right kind of power in people. We advance a higher image of humankind while empowering people to explore the question: How does nonviolence work, and how can I actively contribute to a happier, more peaceful society?
Nonviolence Lifeline
A Palestinian’s Journey to Nonviolence
2021 Certificate Program
Cosmic Peaceforce SpaceMeet
Nonviolence Radio April 9, 2021