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Posts by Metta Center
Bijoyeta Das: Journalism and nonviolence
Bijoyeta Das is a freelance photographer and multimedia journalist. She has reported from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Turkey and USA and holds a masters degree in Journalism from Northeastern University, Boston USA. View Bijoyeta’s excellent work at her personal website: What are you working on this summer at the Metta Center? I am working on a project about atonement,… read more
Nicole Rangel: Wisdom meets science
Nicole Rangel is a Ph.D student in Social and Cultural Studies of Education at UC Berkeley. Focusing primarily on liberatory and holistic pedagogy, she is fascinated by the power of play and the arts to awaken the mind, body and spirit. Her research with the Metta Center is looking at what is often called… read more
Ossian MacDonald: Bridging Nonviolence and National Standards in Education
What inspired you to study nonviolence? I became interested in Gandhi’s philosophy during my senior year of high school, impressed with his emphasis on justice and the strength of nonviolence. I eventually found Michael’s PACS lectures, and in the summer of 2011 sat down to study the courses in greater depth. My senior year at… read more
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-29 # World peace through nonviolent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Martin Luther King Jr. # Attention all Bay Area educators! Metta is holding a one day teachers' retreat THIS Saturday, July 28 in… # # One of the Metta Team-member's favorite songs (thanks…… read more http://t….… read more
World peace through nonviolent…
World peace through nonviolent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Martin Luther King Jr.… read more
Attention all Bay Area educato…
Attention all Bay Area educators! Metta is holding a one day teachers’ retreat THIS Saturday, July 28 in…… read more http://t….… read more One of t… One of the Metta Team-member’s favorite songs (thanks…… read more