Practical Idealism, Unarmed Peacekeeping-Podcast

5450072689_53cc90cc77_zThis week we had the honor and distinct pleasure of interviewing TiffanyEasthom, whose experiences in Peace Brigades International (PBI) and Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP), where she was country director for South Sudan (!) gave us invaluable insight into the way Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping (UCP) has matured over the last 12 years.  Among other things, she shared dramatic stories of field team workers’ courageous – and successful – confrontations with violence.  Tiffany’s depth of understanding of principled nonviolence, unarmed peacekeeping, her unique experience, and her ability to use the language of ‘official’ international peace and development work are invaluable.  We concluded by inviting her back, so stay tuned!