Renowned Palestinian activist and humanitarian Mubarak Awad on nonviolence, his activism, and insights for action as the conflict in Israel-Palestine continues to smoulder. … read more
Renowned Palestinian activist and humanitarian Mubarak Awad on nonviolence, his activism, and insights for action as the conflict in Israel-Palestine continues to smoulder. … read more
Myanmar has been a recurring scene of repression and resistance, and today’s resistance is probably more organized, more courageous — and more costly than ever. This little booklet is offered in the spirit of solidarity and support to the people standing up to the military in the face of severe repression. It contains basics about… read more
If there was ever a time for nonviolence, it’s now. This show has two talks about the power of nonviolence. The first from Erica Chenoweth, co-author of Why Civil Resistance Works, and the second is from Ken Butigan, Director of Pace e Bene Peace Service, about mainstreaming nonviolence. At the top of the show, we… read more
From Metta Mandir: Part 2 Last time we touched on what can be considered the most important single action an individual — any individual — can take to begin to restore a sane direction to our culture, which we regard, in turn, as the most important project to restore a sane direction to humanity. We… read more
From Metta Mandir: Part 1 There are parts of the Bhagavad Gita that I take literally, and among them two verses from Ch. Four stand out at any time, but particularly one like this: “Whenever dharma declines, and unrighteousness swells forth, I incarnate myself from age to age . . .” If there was ever… read more
Were you part of a climate action? Daniel Hunter wrote a manual on climate resistance for 350.org to help strategize for what's next.… read more
Learn about DxE, an animal rights/liberation group dedicated to nonviolence in "tone, word, and deed." Plus the Nonviolence Report!… read more
MARTIN LUTHER KING, whose 90th birthday would have been around now, wrote Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? in 1967, after some hard-won successes in the struggle for the rights of Black Americans. It is sobering to consider how far from community and close to chaos we have come. But it might… read more
In response to an email proposal I sent her, Leentje Visser suggested we meet at a local café that makes its own chocolate and whose menu includes tropical vegan smoothies. As a big fan of scrumptiously nutritious goodies, I was in no way going to turn away an invite like that (heck no!) So Leentje… read more
Toward the end of last month, Stephanie Van Hook and Michael Nagler participated in The Shift Network‘s Politics of Love & Justice Summit, which was a free online event integrating spirituality and activism. Over the course of a few days, 25 of the world’s most visionary spiritual leaders convened online and shared their wisdom, offering… read more