“Bravery is not a man’s monopoly”–Daily Metta

Maimagesrch 8:

“Bravery is not man’s monopoly.”

–Gandhi (Harijan, 1-5-1947, p. 478)


As the world’s consciousness evolves to understand that all human beings, regardless of sex, are human beings, thus worthy of dignity, equality, economic justice, respect, and so on, it is the realm of nonviolent action that portrays this reality most effectively. Nonviolence is a humanizing force, and one reaps the benefits of its power sometimes by participating in it, and at other times, passively witnessing it in action.

Take for example a recent story about a group of hijra in India. The hijra, sometimes referred to as “the third sex,” are people who are either eunuchs, intersex, or transgender, often dehumanized, and subjected to various forms of violence and forced alienation. The hijra are often forced into lives of begging, and at times out of frustration and anger, threaten to strip “to curse” the person watching, playing on a negative superstition about them.

In 2014, there was a story, however, about communal riots in East Delhi, where mobs of men were wielding weapons and threatening further violence. The hijra of the area came together and stood in front of a street, and in an act of tremendous courage, threatened to strip if the men advanced any further. Guess what happened? The situation transformed, and the men stopped. Not only that, it drew enormous attention to the situation of the hijra, and shed light on the inhumane way that they are thought of in society. This is the power of nonviolence at work–not only in situ, but in our collective conscience.


Experiment in Nonviolence:

Take time today to examine some of your beliefs, superstitions, and stereotypes around gender.


Daily Metta 250x250Daily Metta 2015, a service of the Metta Center for Nonviolence, is a daily reflection on the strategic and spiritual insights of Mahatma Gandhi in thought, word and deed. As Gandhi called his life an “experiment in truth,” we have included an experiment in nonviolence to accompany each Daily Metta. Check in every day for new inspiration. Each year will be dedicated to another wisdom teacher.